[Abstract]:The late period of Korean Ri Chaorenzu to the early years of Xianzong was China's Nanming period. Due to the close relationship between North Korea and the Ming Dynasty, Li's monarch paid close attention to the survival of Nanming and collected relevant information through various channels. This information is mainly folk hearsay, less official information, so that Li's monarch know more than the facts of Nanming, even so, Li's monarch learned the general situation of Nanming Kangqing and the situation in China. The information recorded in the history of Korea is of value to the study of the history of the Ming Dynasty and the Chinese society at that time. The fact that the monarch of Li Dynasty paid more attention to the information of the Ming Dynasty also provided a perspective for understanding the relationship between China and the DPRK during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;
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