[Abstract]:In the late Liang Dynasty, the rise of Southern Tuhao caused a great political change in the Southern Dynasty, which has been recognized by historians. Under the turbulent political situation in the late years of Southern Liang Dynasty, most of the Southern Tuhao were attached to or joined the Chen Baxian Group. They became a decisive force in the political situation of that time by virtue of their strong economic and military strength. With Chen hegemonic taking power and establishing the Southern Chen Dynasty, the political status of the Southern Tuhao finally improved by leaps and bounds, which became the important social foundation of the Southern Chen regime. This paper discusses the historical conditions of the rise of the Southern Tuhao, the general picture and characteristics of the Southern Tuhao in Chen Dynasty, and the influence of the Southern Tuhao on the political, economic and other aspects at that time. In order to make an overall grasp of the Southern Tuhao in the Chen Dynasty. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the historical conditions of the rise of Southern Tuhao from three aspects: the political situation in the late Liang Dynasty and the early Chen Dynasty, the economic development of the South since the six dynasties and the growth of the military power of the Southern Tuhao. From the objective and subjective aspects, this paper discusses why the Southern Tuhao emerged in the political arena in the late Liang Dynasty and the early Chen Dynasty. In the second part, the author analyzes the outline of the Southern Tuhao in the Chen Dynasty. The article first summarizes some of the materials of the Southern Tuhao in Chen Shu, and briefly introduces its basic situation. Then, it classifies the Southern Tuhao, the official situation of the Southern Tuhao, and the marital situation. The cultural characteristics and their relationship with the regime of Chen Dynasty discussed the outline of the Southern Tuhao. According to the principle of "on drawing from History", combined with historical data, and using tables, enumerations and other argumentation methods, this paper tries to outline the features and features of the southern Tuhao at the same time. In the third part, from the political and economic situation of the time and the relationship between the Southern Tuhao and the policies of the South of the Yangtze River in the early Sui Dynasty, the author discusses the historical influence of the Southern Aborigines rising in the late Liang Dynasty and the early Chen Dynasty. Finally, in the form of conclusion, on the basis of the previous discussion, from the situation at that time and two aspects of the Southern Tuhao itself, it analyzes the reason why the Southern Tuhao can only be ephemeral in the historical stage of ancient China.
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