[Abstract]:Most of the existing ideological history of the Han Dynasty is the thinker's ideological history, which is equivalent to the thinker's pedigree. If the writing method of the history of thought is changed into the history of thought with thought as the axis, or the history of the idea thought, the history of the concept thought, the history of the question thought, it will be the history of the real thought instead of the history of the thinker. It is feasible to study the history of the concept of the Han Dynasty by using the database method and through the statistical analysis of the key words. This kind of research will provide some new thinking different from the traditional view. " The traditional saying that Han Dynasty governs the world with filial piety is not entirely in line with the social reality of the Han Dynasty. Filial piety is not the most important word in the social ethics system of the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty is an era in which justice is more important than filial piety, and the concept of wealth is more important than the concept of filial piety. The concept of social justice and the concept of law are important social concepts that can not be ignored in the Han Dynasty. The method of data statistics involved in the study of the history of ideas in the Han Dynasty will make the tactile sense of the study of the history of thought extend to the whole social level.
【作者单位】: 河南大学历史文化学院;
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