[Abstract]:For many years, the academic circles have maintained a high enthusiasm for the Tang Dynasty princess, a special aristocratic group. However, up to now, the previous studies on the marriage of Tang Dynasty princess are not comprehensive and thorough. Therefore, this paper focuses on the marriage of the Tang Dynasty princess, hoping to push the study to depth. The marriage of the princesses in the Tang Dynasty is closely related to politics, and the matching objects of the princesses are constantly changing with the changes of the political pattern of the Tang Dynasty, showing distinct stage characteristics. Because of their noble birth and special status, their marriage forms are naturally different from those of ordinary people and ordinary aristocratic women. They can be divided into four types: kinship marriage, gift marriage, cousin marriage and transmarital marriage. Compared with the marriage of other princesses in the Tang Dynasty, the marriage of the princesses in the Tang Dynasty had obvious political, open and closed characteristics, among which the political nature was the prominent feature. Li Tang, like the rulers of all dynasties, chose the son-in-law without exception as the main standard of politics. The marriage ceremony of the princess in Tang Dynasty was roughly the same as that of the hundred official wedding ceremony, but in order to emphasize the noble status of the princess, the contents of the book and the princess were added. After marriage, the Tang Dynasty princess was less bound, their marriage life content is rich, remarriage phenomenon is more common, mainly concentrated in the early Tang Dynasty. Of course, the reason is related to the legal policy and political struggle of Tang Dynasty, and the key reason is that the conception of chastity of princess in Tang Dynasty is relatively weak. From the angle of marriage, the princess of Tang Dynasty can be divided into two categories according to whether she is related or not, one is "non-harmonious" princess, the other is kindred princess. For the former, it can be divided into three types according to the performance of the princess after marriage, that is, the traditional concept of "practicing women's morality and observing women's propriety", and the performance of the feudal society is mediocre, and it can be divided into three types: practicing rites and keeping morality, deviating from the way and performing mediocrity. Because of their close relationship with politics and lack of marriage autonomy, their marriage and fate must be full of rich tragic color. Nevertheless, as a special class of women, the princesses of Tang Dynasty played a certain role in economy, politics, culture and customs. It is of academic and practical significance to study the marriage life of Tang Dynasty princess. It can reveal the essence of its political marriage and reflect the political pattern of the time, and from a small point of view, it can see through its historical fate and reveal its historical role. In this way, it can not only enrich the contents of the study on the life of women in the Tang Dynasty, but also peep into some characteristics of the social development of the Tang Dynasty from a new angle of view, and help to deepen the understanding of the social problems of the Tang Dynasty. It is especially important that through the evaluation and exposition of the marriage life of the princess in Tang Dynasty, we can find some things which have certain reference significance to our real social life today. This paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter expounds the marriage object, marriage form and characteristics of the princess in Tang Dynasty, and makes a macroscopic discussion on the marriage life of the princess in the Tang Dynasty as a whole. The second chapter discusses the marriage of Tang Dynasty princesses, mainly discusses the marriage of the princesses of the Tang Dynasty, the wedding ceremony of the princesses and their remarriage. The third chapter discusses the historical fate and function of the Tang Dynasty princesses from the angle of marriage, reveals their tragic historical fate as a whole, and objectively evaluates their historical role in the historical process.
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