[Abstract]:Longping Collection is a historical book recording the history of Taizu to Yingzong five dynasties in Northern Song Dynasty. This paper makes a comprehensive and meticulous study on Longping Collection. The author of "Longping Collection" is Zeng Gong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1019-1083), but Chao Gongwu of the Southern Song Dynasty and the General catalogue of the Siku Book of the Qing Dynasty both raise questions about this. In particular, the General contents of Siku categorically denied Zeng Gong as the author of Longping Collection. Although Mr. Yu Jiaxi, a master of modern literature and history, argued against the theory of "Siku Abstracts", he did not come to a conclusion in academic circles. On the basis of Yu Jiaxi's argumentation, the first part of this paper puts forward a new argument to prove that Longping Ji is indeed made by Zeng Gong. The next part of this article is a study of this book. First of all, it examines the close relationship between Zeng Gong's compilation of the History of the five Kingdoms and the Collection of Longping, and proves that the draft of the anthology of Longping is the draft of the History of the five Kingdoms. Secondly, the main contents of the anthology of Longping are analyzed. Style characteristics and writing style, and the "Longping Ji" version of the spread of the comb; finally, Through the comparison and analysis of the main historical works of Longping Collection and other historical books of the same era, such as the chief editor of "continuing Zizhi Tong", the "Dongdu incident" and "the History of Song Dynasty", this paper probes into the sources of historical materials and the influence of historiography. It is pointed out that as the only extant history of the Northern Song Dynasty written by the people of the Northern Song Dynasty, Longping Ji has special value which cannot be replaced by other historical books about the Northern Song Dynasty. We should attach importance to the historical value of Longping Collection and make full and effective use of it.
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