[Abstract]:The Chenghua Dynasty is a turning point in the history of Ming Dynasty, which is of great significance to understand the history of Ming Dynasty. Crime is the product of social reality and a social phenomenon manifested by individual criminal behavior. Therefore, crime is one of the best perspectives of social reality and social development. Therefore, this paper takes the crime of Chenghua period as the research object and analyzes the characteristics of this period from the angle of crime. According to the provisions of "Daming Law" and the analysis of historical data, this article divides the crimes in Ming Chenghua period into conspiracy, treason, ideological and speech crimes, crimes against property, economic crimes, crimes of infringing persons and related rights, crimes of duty crimes. There are seven types of crimes against family ethics. Among all the types of crimes, property crime and economic crime are especially prominent, which is the three characteristics of crime in the age of becoming ordinary people, and the crime is not controllable. The social background of the crime in the age of Chenghua is mainly reflected in five aspects: the development of commodity economy, the decline of political control, the fall of authority, the activation of social atmosphere and the frequent famine. Although the crime of Cheng Hua period has the negative influence of general crime to destroy the social order and make the society go to disorder, but it also can not be ignored because of its positive effects such as lifting the ban of the society, promoting the improvement of the social laws and regulations, improving the system and promoting the overseas trade. The analysis of crime in Chenghua period is to explore what new things, new ideas and new trends appear in the period of Cheng Hua. During the period of Chenghua, the society was liberated in all aspects, showing a trend of development, but this kind of development was not the rational thinking and hard management of the rulers, but was advancing along the inherent inertia. Therefore, the development of society at the same time also fell into chaos. The main cause of this confusion is political inaction. Politics does not or cannot respond positively to social changes caused by economic development. This doomed this era will not be able to introduce China into modern society. Therefore, we can also reflect on the social transformation of the late Ming Dynasty. Although the economy of the late Ming Dynasty showed many characteristics of transition to modern times, there was no sign of political transformation to modern times, and politics was still advancing along the traditional path. Because of this, it was easy to reverse the style of the late Ming Dynasty and set up an authentic traditional dynasty.
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