发布时间:2018-09-12 10:42
[Abstract]:The establishment of the four counties in the Han Dynasty refers to the initial situation of Yulang, Lintun, Xuantu and Zhenfan Counties, and has focused on enumerating the different order of the four counties in different historical books. The aim was to show that the order of the four counties recorded in historical records could not be used as a criterion for determining the sequence of the establishment of the four counties of the Han Dynasty. Among them, Yulang, Lintun and Zhenfan three counties were established in the Han Dynasty for three years, while the Xuantu County was initially placed in the Yuan Dynasty for four years. Han Zhaodi five years after the integration of the four counties, there are only Yuelang, Xuantu two counties, and frequent migration, overseas Chinese home.
【作者单位】: 吉林省社会科学院民族所;
【基金】:吉林省高校人文社科基地项目资助,项目名称:“东北古代民族的社会发展研究——以秽貊族系为中心”,项目合同号:吉教科合字[2013]第45号 2013年国家社科基金青年项目:“玄菟郡地域变迁与中朝韩历史疆域归属问题研究”(13CZS048)
[Abstract]:The establishment of the four counties in the Han Dynasty refers to the initial situation of Yulang, Lintun, Xuantu and Zhenfan Counties, and has focused on enumerating the different order of the four counties in different historical books. The aim was to show that the order of the four counties recorded in historical records could not be used as a criterion for determining the sequence of the establishment of the four counties of the Han Dynasty. Among them, Yulang, Lintun and Zhenfan three counties were established in the Han Dynasty for three years, while the Xuantu County was initially placed in the Yuan Dynasty for four years. Han Zhaodi five years after the integration of the four counties, there are only Yuelang, Xuantu two counties, and frequent migration, overseas Chinese home.
【作者单位】: 吉林省社会科学院民族所;
【基金】:吉林省高校人文社科基地项目资助,项目名称:“东北古代民族的社会发展研究——以秽貊族系为中心”,项目合同号:吉教科合字[2013]第45号 2013年国家社科基金青年项目:“玄菟郡地域变迁与中朝韩历史疆域归属问题研究”(13CZS048)
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