[Abstract]:In the study of ancient Chinese urban history, the Han Dynasty is an indispensable link. At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, due to political, military and geographical considerations, the capital was in Changan, but because of the historical connection between Guanzhong and "violent Qin", it was difficult for the emperor to obtain political legitimacy for a long time. Compared with this, Luoyang City was built in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, and also the place where the Zhou public ceremony was performed. In this way, Changan and Luoyang became the symbol of the Qin and Zhou systems, respectively, and the so-called two capital disputes. Then it becomes the appearance form of the state ideology debate. Since the Western Han Dynasty, the national politics became increasingly Confucian, and Luoyang became an increasingly strong political impulse of Confucian scholars. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the new capital of the country was scheduled to Luoyang, which can be regarded as the realization of the political ideal of Confucian scholars, but at the same time it aroused the emotional rebound of "Guanzhong aged". Ban Gu's Fu is a model text for Luoyang in the Ming Emperor period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. On the practical level, this work reinforced Luoyang's position as the emperor's capital, and at the conceptual level, it showed the way of the ideal imperial city of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty. As far as the study of Chinese urban history is concerned, it suggests that the establishment and construction of ancient Chinese cities are based on economic and military considerations, but in the end they should be justified at the political, ethical and philosophical levels. As the container or philosophy of culture and the material form of political concept, the city undertakes the important mission of "hiding the ritual with the instrument" or "showing the ceremony with the instrument".
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院;
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