[Abstract]:As a system of selecting officials, it has a long history. However, the system of opening and raising posts in Song Dynasty is directly inherited from the towns of Tang Dynasty. Therefore, whether from the provisions of its system, or in the actual implementation process, the Song Dynasty is based on the last five dynasties of the creation of the town office as a lesson. In this way, the Song Dynasty system presented, as long as contrary to the centralization of power, are limited by the characteristics of the rulers. But this restriction also causes the original "obtains the person" the system which appears, finally also becomes permeates "the capital order", "the qualification" a rigid system. Basically can not achieve the goal of "unrestrained" selection of officials. Therefore, the role of the post election system can not be the same as the previous generation, with the death of the Song Dynasty, as one of the official election system gradually died out. From these aspects, the Song Dynasty's initiative is basically a system that is not worthy of affirmation. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the state policy of "worshipping literature and suppressing military force" and the power of the central government over the towns since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties have led to the decline of the Wu people's politics. Against such a background, the concept of the shogunate of the Song people also changed greatly. The former shogunate officials became state county assistants, and the composition and type of the shogunate also changed greatly compared with the previous generation. At the same time, there is also a previous generation did not have the type of shogunate. These changes are affecting the system of the Song Dynasty, so that the system of the Song Dynasty is different from the previous generation. With the departure of the Sui and Tang empires, the scholars of the Song Dynasty gradually washed away the impetuosity of the Tang people. Under the above conditions of assuming Mencius, the Song people began to think about the morality and the direction of development of the "Shi" group itself. The direct consequence of this kind of thinking is that the scholars of the Song Dynasty appeared to be particularly high in many dynasties. This kind of scholar and such taxi wind, to the Song Dynasty influence every aspect, certainly had the inevitable influence to the Song Dynasty's opening-up system. Under the background of the change of the scholar style and the expansion of the ways of entering the official office, the scholars showed a kind of seemingly languid attitude and an attitude of being tied to the world on the basis of the attitude they should have and the relationship between the scholar and the government. This is also a new characteristic of the scholars in the Song Dynasty, which is different from the scholars in the previous generation.
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