[Abstract]:The merchants of Zhou Dynasty were mainly officials and merchants at the beginning, but at this time they were different from the general meaning or the later times, they had their own particularity. In the Spring and Autumn period, the royal family declined and the authoritarianism moved down, thus gradually decoupling the merchants of the eating officials from the patriarchal order and the politics of the dynasty. The official merchants began to use the commercial capital provided by the government to make profits for the government, and finally left the official government and became a free merchant. The rise and development of private merchants also have a process. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, they are in the initial stage of development, they have their own organization and management mode, live together and live in the occupation hereditary. During the Spring and Autumn period, businessmen rose as an independent class. During the warring States period, the wide distribution of private business objectively contrasted with the subjective idea of restraining business. The status and status of the merchants in the Zhou Dynasty have undergone some changes. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, officials and merchants naturally had the status of "officials", while ordinary businessmen acted as civilians. At the end of the Spring and Autumn period, the warring States period, its identity has not changed greatly, and its status is worth pondering. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were no cheap merchants, the behavior of businessmen at least has not been criticized by the society. In the Spring and Autumn period, the merchants received much attention, not only the public opinion supported their development, but also the rulers provided many convenient conditions. During the warring States period, the speech and behavior of business suppression appeared, which had something to do with the influence of the merchants' own development on the society. The greatest influence on the development of society by businessmen at that time was in the economic aspect. Their activities promoted the exchange of goods and materials throughout the country, promoted the development of the commodity economy, promoted the transformation of the economic structure, and provided considerable taxes for the rulers. In politics, businessmen were objectively unifying supporters and accelerated the loosening of the aristocratic hierarchy. In the course of doing business, businessmen sum up their experiences and form a rich theory of doing business. The society also forms a mechanism of free competition under the guidance of their spirit of making profits.
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