[Abstract]:During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Confucian scholars who rejuvenated the Confucian norms of etiquette and law repeatedly advocated the "three conformities" of women, which was a kind of "saying" that the Confucians regulated the social order. However, in the actual social life, married women in the middle and upper social strata of the Northern Song Dynasty, under the norm of "husband and death from the son", often appear some historical aspects that are inconsistent with the Confucian norms. The most important reason is that the concept of "husband and death follows the son" is contrary to the idea of "filial piety" advocated by Chinese traditional Confucianism. This process of following norms and reconstructing norms in practice, although there is much emphasis on historical memory, however, as far as the practice of the norm of "husband to death from son" is concerned, It reflects that the social status of the upper-middle-class women in the Northern Song Dynasty is not as low as previously known. The deviation between the ideal and the reality promoted by the traditional Chinese code of ethics deserves more consideration.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院暨中国社会史研究中心;南开大学历史学院;
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