[Abstract]:In ancient Chinese history, "sea" or "sea" activities have never been consistent in the horizon of national and local society, although there are compromises and balances in their tense relations. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the monarchical regime of the inland countries adopted conservative national policy in the maritime policy for the sake of defense, social security and structure, and institutional stability, but changed many times in the specific strategy. And sometimes the situation of relaxation and out of control, thus with the economic, market drivers of the local requirements of a complex game relationship, this tension in the south of the Yangtze River and other southeast coastal areas are particularly marked. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese disease suddenly appeared the chronic disease of the policy of banning the sea in the early Ming Dynasty. However, the relaxation of the ban in the late Ming Dynasty was mainly due to the obstinate demands from the local interests, so there appeared some kind of debugging and intersecting with the local areas. Thus, China's economic wedge, especially along the southeast coast, began to link up with the world market chain. However, the powerful state control in the Qing Dynasty effectively restricted the space of the "ocean" within the scope of strengthening the legal maritime trade and coastal, offshore production and navigation activities, and reached the most ideal pattern in the thinking of the inland empire. However, due to the sudden changes in the outside world, that is, the global expansion and occupation of modern world capitalism, the collapse of the imperial system, including ocean policy, began in the middle of the 19th century.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学中国古代史研究所;
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