[Abstract]:Mausoleum emissary is a temporary post set up by the imperial court to set up funeral services after the emperor's death. From the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the post of emissary around the mountains derived a unique political tradition. This kind of political tradition is supplemented by two levels: one is that the emissary must be appointed by the prime minister, and the other is that the prime minister who serves as the emissary must resign and leave his post after the completion of the work of the mountain mausoleum. Shan Ling made the position of head of government and the person in charge of private funeral as the dual identity, and became the link between the two ends of "family" and "country", thus dispersing the political culture with Yamamoto emissary as the core in realistic politics, and taking it as the breakthrough point. It is possible to have a new understanding of the structural system of the family and country in the Tang and Song dynasties.
【作者单位】: 北京外国语大学中国海外汉学研究中心博士后流动站;
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