[Abstract]:The pre-Qin period is of great significance in the history of Chinese ancient costume aesthetic culture. From the ancient times to the Shang Dynasty, it is the initial stage of the formation of the Chinese nation's cultural consciousness, and it is also the origin period of the costume aesthetic culture. As an important part of the ritual and music system, the rulers of the Western Zhou Dynasty, as an important part of the ritual and music system, began to mature in the coronation system, which laid the tone of "the Kingdom of dress and the Crown" and "the Land of Rites" in China. The late Spring and Autumn period to the warring States period was called the "Axis Age" in the history of Chinese thought. This stage is also the most important period for the development of Chinese ancient costume aesthetic culture. Even the aesthetic cultural characteristics beyond clothing can be found in this period. This paper divides the pre-Qin period into five stages: ancient times, Shang Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn period and warring States period. Based on the combination of speculative reasoning and empirical analysis, this paper attempts to make a static structural analysis and dynamic diachronic description of the aesthetic culture of pre-Qin dress by using the method of historical theory. For the pre-Qin dress aesthetic culture structure analysis and historical description, this paper mainly around two questions: first, among the many possibilities of dress, why did pre-Qin dress make this kind of aesthetic choice instead of that one? Second, as a cultural symbol, clothing in the pre-Qin aesthetic culture, how to achieve its distinction, differentiation and other power, the symbol function of moral persuasion? In order to solve these two problems, we should not only take into account the natural conditions of a particular era, the natural conditions of a particular region and the level of technological production, but also see the clothing (including wearing behavior) of a certain era and the social structure of a certain era. The close relationship between cultural structure and the important influence of cultural intention, philosophy and aesthetics, social values, physiological psychology and so on. This paper tries to put the aesthetic culture of pre-Qin dress into the concrete "national cultural structure" and "national social structure", connecting with "national psychological structure" and "national thinking structure", to make a specific cultural analysis of these two problems. Look for the corresponding cultural explanation. Under the background of patriarchal clan culture in ancient China, the Confucian school is influenced by the "national psychological structure" which is not fully developed in ancient China because of the incomplete division of reason and sensibility, and under the guidance of "practical rationality". The article takes the clothing as a tool of distinction, and other means, and devotes to distinguish the social identity of different individuals through clothing, and on this basis, makes the individual into an orderly and orderly social whole. And pay attention to "Qi"
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