发布时间:2019-02-09 07:08
【摘要】: 本文坚持以马克思主义军事学说为指导,,根据文献和考古资料,在前人研究的基础上,对秦汉军队后勤保障作了尝试性的探讨。全文共分七章,三部分: 第一部分,绪言。对秦汉军队后勤的概念和内涵作了界说。认为“后勤”概念虽然始于近代,或因地域、辞源、时代不同,在表述上各有差异,但其经济性、保障性、时效性三个基本特征都是一致的。秦汉时也是一样。当时的所谓“武备”、“馈饷”、“转输”等,都属于军队后勤的范畴。其构成已包括军械、军马、衣粮、军资储备与转输、国防工程、医疗、军费等内容。在梳理前人相关研究成果的基础上,确立了自己的思路和研究重心。 第二部分,着力于对秦汉军队后勤保障的问题研究。这是论文的主体部分,共分六章。分别考论了当时军械生产与武器储备;军马的牧养、征集和经营管理;衣粮草料补给和军资转输;通信基础设施的修建与军事信息传递;军队伤病员的治疗、药物供给及伤亡人员的缮后抚恤;军费的筹措及其财务管理等主要问题。通过研究认为:秦汉时期的军队后勤与先秦相比,已进入了新的阶段,别具特色。 第三部分,对秦汉军队后勤的发展阶段、特点和作用等进行了论述。认为秦汉时期的后勤大致可分为以下几个阶段:即秦王朝时期为军队后勤全力展开阶段;西汉前期为军队后勤有效积蓄阶段;汉武帝时期是军队后勤实施有力与创新阶段;昭帝至平帝时期是军队后勤实力恢复与适度运用阶段;王莽时期是滥用军队后勤实力阶段;东汉之初是军队后勤收缩阶段;和帝以后到东汉末期为军队后勤变革与调整阶段;灵帝中平以后至东汉灭亡是军队后勤保障不济阶段。其主要特点是:中央、地方与边防两级三块后勤保障体制渐趋形成;后勤保障的内容结构由先秦时以武器、粮草为主向深广发展;后勤保障费用在财政支出中占主导地位导致社会经济周期性失衡。同时提出军队后勤建设除保障了战争取得胜利外,还对推动经济建设和促进科学技术发展方面起了重要作用。
[Abstract]:Under the guidance of Marxist military theory and according to the literature and archaeological data, this paper makes a tentative discussion on the logistic support of the armed forces in the Qin and Han dynasties on the basis of previous studies. The full text is divided into seven chapters, three parts: the first part, introduction. This paper defines the concept and connotation of military logistics in Qin and Han dynasties. Although the concept of "logistics" began in modern times, or because of region, origin, times, different in terms of expression, but its economy, security, timeliness of the three basic characteristics are consistent. The same was true of the Qin and Han dynasties. At that time, the so-called "armed forces," pay, "transfer," and so on, all belong to the military logistics. Its composition includes ordnance, military horse, clothing grain, military reserve and transfer, defense engineering, medical treatment, military expenditure and so on. On the basis of combing the previous research results, the author establishes his own thinking and research center. The second part, focus on the Qin and Han military logistics support issues. This is the main body of the paper, a total of six chapters. At that time, the paper discusses the production of ordnance and the reserve of weapons, the herding, collection and management of the army and horse, the supply of grain and grass and the transfer of military funds, the construction of the communication infrastructure and the transmission of military information. The main problems such as the treatment of the wounded and sick in the army, the supply of medicine and the aftercare of the casualties, the financing of military expenditure and its financial management, etc. It is concluded that the army logistics in Qin and Han dynasties have entered a new stage and have their own characteristics. The third part discusses the development stage, characteristics and functions of military logistics in Qin and Han dynasties. It is believed that the logistics of Qin and Han dynasties can be divided into the following stages: the period of Qin Dynasty is the stage of full deployment of military logistics, the early stage of Western Han Dynasty is the stage of effective storage of military logistics, the period of Emperor Wu Emperor of Han Dynasty is the stage of the implementation of military logistics with strength and innovation; The period from Emperor Zhao to Pingdi is the stage of the restoration and moderate application of military logistics strength; the period of Wang Mang is the stage of abusing military logistics strength; the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the stage of military logistics contraction; and the period from Emperor to the end of Eastern Han Dynasty is the stage of reform and adjustment of military logistics. Lingdi Zhongping to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the military logistics support stage. Its main characteristics are: the central, local and border defense logistics support system gradually formed, the content structure of logistics support developed from weapon, grain and grass to deep and wide; Logistic support costs play a dominant role in the financial expenditure, leading to the cyclical imbalance of social economy. At the same time, the military logistics construction not only guaranteed the victory of the war, but also played an important role in promoting economic construction and promoting the development of science and technology.
[Abstract]:Under the guidance of Marxist military theory and according to the literature and archaeological data, this paper makes a tentative discussion on the logistic support of the armed forces in the Qin and Han dynasties on the basis of previous studies. The full text is divided into seven chapters, three parts: the first part, introduction. This paper defines the concept and connotation of military logistics in Qin and Han dynasties. Although the concept of "logistics" began in modern times, or because of region, origin, times, different in terms of expression, but its economy, security, timeliness of the three basic characteristics are consistent. The same was true of the Qin and Han dynasties. At that time, the so-called "armed forces," pay, "transfer," and so on, all belong to the military logistics. Its composition includes ordnance, military horse, clothing grain, military reserve and transfer, defense engineering, medical treatment, military expenditure and so on. On the basis of combing the previous research results, the author establishes his own thinking and research center. The second part, focus on the Qin and Han military logistics support issues. This is the main body of the paper, a total of six chapters. At that time, the paper discusses the production of ordnance and the reserve of weapons, the herding, collection and management of the army and horse, the supply of grain and grass and the transfer of military funds, the construction of the communication infrastructure and the transmission of military information. The main problems such as the treatment of the wounded and sick in the army, the supply of medicine and the aftercare of the casualties, the financing of military expenditure and its financial management, etc. It is concluded that the army logistics in Qin and Han dynasties have entered a new stage and have their own characteristics. The third part discusses the development stage, characteristics and functions of military logistics in Qin and Han dynasties. It is believed that the logistics of Qin and Han dynasties can be divided into the following stages: the period of Qin Dynasty is the stage of full deployment of military logistics, the early stage of Western Han Dynasty is the stage of effective storage of military logistics, the period of Emperor Wu Emperor of Han Dynasty is the stage of the implementation of military logistics with strength and innovation; The period from Emperor Zhao to Pingdi is the stage of the restoration and moderate application of military logistics strength; the period of Wang Mang is the stage of abusing military logistics strength; the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the stage of military logistics contraction; and the period from Emperor to the end of Eastern Han Dynasty is the stage of reform and adjustment of military logistics. Lingdi Zhongping to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the military logistics support stage. Its main characteristics are: the central, local and border defense logistics support system gradually formed, the content structure of logistics support developed from weapon, grain and grass to deep and wide; Logistic support costs play a dominant role in the financial expenditure, leading to the cyclical imbalance of social economy. At the same time, the military logistics construction not only guaranteed the victory of the war, but also played an important role in promoting economic construction and promoting the development of science and technology.
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