
发布时间:2019-02-09 15:39
【摘要】: 在中西文化交流史上,明末清初是一个辉煌的时期,东西方的认识和沟通达到了前所未有的程度,而耶稣会士则是成就这一辉煌的桥梁,但是,长期以来,许多人在言及此段时期耶稣会士的贡献时,总是把目光聚焦在罗明坚、利玛窦、汤若望、南怀仁等知名传教士身上,而忽略了许多对此段时期的中西文化交流有重要影响的普通传教士的研究。 李明(Louis Le Comte,1655-1728)是一位法国耶稣会士,1687年被路易十四以“国王数学家”身份与其余四位同伴派遣到中国,并卷入了与葡萄牙的保教权之争,1691年被迫返回法国。1696年,为了替耶稣会士的“适应政策”辩护,他著《中国近事报道》,在欧洲掀起了一场“中国礼仪之争”的大辩论。1700年,《中国近事报道》遭到巴黎索邦神学院的贬责,被列为禁书。但是,《中国近事报道》虽然是为“适应政策”辩护而著,它也是一本关于中国的百科全书,是17世纪欧洲人对中国认识的总结。由于该书对中国丰富的报道,使它成为18世纪欧洲人,特别是启蒙思想家们了解中国的重要参考书之一,并且对他们中的许多人,如伏尔泰、魁奈、莱布尼茨等都产生了很大的影响。 但是,对于这样一位在中外文化交流史上又重要影响的耶稣会士及其著作,中外学者都缺乏深入、系统的研究,而李明和他的《中国近事报道》又是这段历史重要的部分,所以很多人虽然只是简单提及,也出现不少错误,这对于我们正确、深入地了解这段历史显然是无益的。 本文主要从四个方面来研究李明及其《中国近事报道》。一、李明作为“国王数学家”来华背景、来华经历。二、李明《中国近事报道》的内容分析,主要通过与早期传教士著作的比较研究,展现出欧洲人在认识中国的渐进过程和李明此书在中西文化交流史上的地位。三、礼仪之争的背景和李明为礼仪之争所作的辩护,体现李明在礼仪之争中的作用。四、李明《中国近事报道》对启蒙思想家们的具体影响,由此体现出他在影响启蒙思想家的“传教士”集体中的个人作用。 本文属于个案研究,希望通过对传教士个体深入细致地研究,推进明清中西文化交流史研究的深度。
[Abstract]:In the history of cultural exchange between China and the West, the late Ming and the early Qing Dynasty was a glorious period, the understanding and communication between the East and the West reached an unprecedented level, and the Jesuits were the bridge to achieve this brilliant achievement, but, for a long time, Many people, speaking of the contributions of the Jesuits during this period, always focused their attention on well-known missionaries such as Luo Mingjian, Matteo Ricci, Tang Ruowang, Ferdinand Verbiest and other well-known missionaries. Many of the studies of common missionaries which had an important influence on the cultural exchange between China and the West during this period were ignored. Li Ming (Louis Le Comte,1655-1728, a French Jesuit, was sent to China in 1687 by Louis XIV as "King mathematician" with the other four companions, and was involved in a dispute with Portugal over the right to proselytism. In 1691, he was forced to return to France. In 1696, in order to defend the Jesuits'"adaptive policy," he wrote the China recent report, which set off a great debate about "Chinese etiquette" in Europe. China recent report was condemned by Sorbonne Theological Seminary in Paris and listed as a forbidden book. However, although it is a defense of "adaptive policy", it is also an encyclopedia of China and a summary of European knowledge of China in the 17th century. The book's rich coverage of China makes it one of the most important reference books for 18th-century Europeans, especially for enlightenment thinkers, and for many of them, such as Voltaire, Quinay, Leibniz and so on have had the very big influence. However, for such a Jesuit and his works, which have an important influence in the history of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, both Chinese and foreign scholars lack in-depth and systematic research, and Li Ming and his "China's recent report" are an important part of this period of history. So many people, even though they simply mention it, also make a lot of mistakes, which is obviously not good for us to understand this section of history in depth. This article mainly from four aspects to study Li Ming and its China recent incident report. First, Li Ming came to China as a "king mathematician" and came to China. Secondly, the content analysis of Li Ming's "China's recent report", mainly through the comparative study with the early missionary works, shows the European's gradual process of understanding China and the status of this book in the history of cultural exchange between China and the West. Third, the background of the etiquette debate and Li Ming's defense of the etiquette dispute reflect the role of Li Ming in the etiquette debate. Fourthly, Li Ming's "China recent report" has a concrete influence on the enlightenment thinkers, which reflects his individual role in the "missionary" collective that influenced the enlightening thinkers. This paper is a case study, hoping to promote the depth of the study of the history of cultural exchange between China and the West in Ming and Qing dynasties through the thorough and meticulous study of the individual missionaries.


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