
发布时间:2019-04-19 20:20
【摘要】:经学是汉武帝通过“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”来构建意识形态霸权之后的产物。经学在汉代意识形态化而成为一种具有统治力的政治指导思想,进而成为一种参与社会生活方式构建及其意义诠释的主体文化。经学的传播者怀着各不相同的目的和动机传播经学。经学之所以取得如此之好的传播效果,与传播者的作用密不可分。 汉代儒家对原始儒家思想的调整:一方面仍保持儒家的一些基本的东西,如仁义道德等;另一方面,也吸收了其它各家合理的思想,尤其是法家的实用思想。汉代儒学的根基,从实践或理论上,都不同于原始儒家,它是在讲求功利效用的法家政治实践的基础上,尽量吸收改造各家学说后的一种新的创造。西汉前期,无为而治的黄老学说不利于思想、政治的统一,汉武帝出于强化专制主义中央集团、彻底消除诸侯割据势力的现实目的,积极扶持和发展儒家经学。经学在汉代以后成为主流意识形态,不仅是统治者的选择,而且是古代知识阶层,即士人或士大夫的选择。士人不是天生的统治者,又不是一般的庶民。士人阶层既要与统治者结盟,在政治上发挥作用,同时又必须保持自己在人格上,特别是在价值观念上的独立性。经学最充分的代表了士人阶层的根本利益,即作为一个独立的社会阶层部分的获得社会控制的权力。 人类社会是一个极为复杂的系统,社会学家将之称为社会系统。社会系统的功能在于它保证社会结构的整合性,通过与外部环境的互动来实现自我调节,以适应环境的变化,维持社会的运行和发展。传播学是研究社会信息系统及其运行规律的科学。社会信息系统是社会的一个基本系统,社会的发展是建立在系统正常运行的基础之上的。社会信息系统与政治系统、经济系统、文化系统重合、交织在一起,它们的运行除了受到彼此的影响和制约之外,其本身的状况如何也对整个社会发生重大影响。社会信息系统是一个存在着众多可变因素的系统,参与系统活动的个体或群体是伴随着丰富的精神和心理活动的主体,由于社会信息系统的参与者无论是个人、群体还是组织——都是具有特定利益、价值、意识形态和文化背景的主体,这就决定了社会信息系统的复杂性和不确定性。马莱兹克把大众传播看作是包括社会心理因素在内的各种社会影响力相互作用的“场”。本文通过以汉代经学传播者的研究为例,研究影响和制约传播者的因素——即传播者的自我印象、传播者的人格结构、传播者的同僚群体、传播者的社会环境、传播者所处的组织、媒介内容的公共性所产生的约束力、受众的自发反馈所产生的约束力、来自讯息本身以及媒介性质的压力或约束力等等。 本文运用理论分析法和文献研究法,研究了一部分古代经学文献和一部分古今史学文献和现代研究经学及研究中国古代文化传播的文献,客观辩证地认识和分析经学在汉代,这一特定的历史条件下,考察经学传播主体的活动。探索经学这一原本属于思想学术领域的范畴如何上升为国家的意志,在这一过程中,传播者所扮演的角色。以及传播者与传播效果——即考察传播者的性质、他们在信息的采集、筛选、加工中所起的作用,以及传播者的信誉度与威信等对传播效果的影响。从经学在汉代的成功传播看文化传播,从中探析出规律性的问题,并对文化传播提出自己的见解。 在现代科学体系中,传播学是一门立足于社会科学并在某些方面涉及自然科学的多栖型主干学科。作为社会科学,传播学研究的焦点始终是人以及人在社会信息系统中的主体活动。通过对社会信息系统及其运行规律的研究,探寻发现和解决社会传播实践中问题的方法,对社会实践和社会发展都具有极其重要的意义。人们通常把传播学的母题规定为对传播过程的研究,受到以心理学、人类学、社会学等为核心的行为科学的影响。经典传播学对传播过程、传播效果的研究和分析较多,而本文把人的活动作为传播学的母题进行研究,坚持以“人”为核心的传播观念。在经学和传播学这两大学术领域中,以往的学术研究都取得了卓越的成就,但笔者目前还未找到专门研究汉代经学传播的文章和书籍,从传播者的角度对这一领域的研究,有利于完善传播学的系统性和普遍理论指导意义,为传播学的研究寻找一个新的研究角度。本文以传播学的视角来认识和分析经学在汉代的传播,这无疑是一种新的尝试和探索。
[Abstract]:Classics is the product of the construction of ideological hegemony through the "to strike one hundred and one's one-to-one" of the Han Wudi. In the Han Dynasty, it became a kind of political guiding ideology with the ruling force, and then became a subject culture which was involved in the construction of the social life and the interpretation of its meaning. The subject of the study is based on the different purpose and the motive of the communication. The result of such a good spreading effect is closely related to the role of the disseminator. The adjustment of the original Confucian thought in the Han Dynasty: On the one hand, there are still some basic things of the Confucian, such as benevolence and morality, on the other hand, other reasonable thoughts, especially the practical thinking of the French family, are absorbed. The foundation of the Confucianism in the Han Dynasty, from the practice or the theory, is different from that of the original Confucianism, which is based on the practice of the legal home with the utility of utility, and as much as possible to absorb a new creation after the transformation of the theories In the early period of the Western Han Dynasty, the yellow and old theory that was not to be treated was not conducive to the unity of thought and politics, and the Han Wudi was actively supporting and developing the Confucian classics for the purpose of strengthening the central group of the special political system and the total elimination of the power of the princes. It is not only the choice of the ruler, but also the choice of the ancient knowledge class, the scholar or the scholar after the Han Dynasty. The man is not a natural ruler, but not a general rule. The first class of the people must be allied with the ruler and play a political role, and at the same time, it must keep its own personality, especially in the value sense. The most well-learned represents the fundamental interests of the people of the state, that is, the right to social control as a part of an independent social class. Force. Human society is a very complex system, and sociologists call it a society The function of the social system is to ensure the integration of the social structure, to realize the self-regulation through the interaction with the external environment, to adapt to the change of the environment and to maintain the operation of the society. Communication is the study of social information system and its law of operation. The scientific and social information system is a basic system of society, and the development of society is the basis of the normal operation of the system Above all, the social information system is combined with the political system, the economic system and the cultural system, and the operation of the social information system is in addition to the influence and the restriction of each other. The social information system is a system with many variable factors, the individual or group involved in the system activity is the main body with rich mental and psychological activities, because the participants of the social information system, whether the individual, the group or the organization, are specific interests The main body of value, ideology and cultural background, which determines the complexity of the social information system and does not Deterministic. Marezke regards mass communication as" a "field" for the communication. In the two academic fields of science and communication, the past research has made remarkable achievements, but the author has not found an article and a book devoted to the dissemination of the classics in the Han Dynasty, from the point of view of the propagator. The research in this field is conducive to the improvement of the system of communication and the guiding significance of the general theory. This paper, based on the perspective of communication, and analyses the transmission of Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty, is undoubtedly a kind of new research.


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1 毛毅娜;两汉文献传播影响因素研究[D];西北大学;2012年




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