[Abstract]:With the unearthing and publication of all kinds of epitaph, inscriptions, as well as the collation and publication of some rare ancient documents, scholars actively used these new inscriptions, epitapes and documents to supplement these new inscriptions, epitapes and documents after the publication of the complete compilation of the History of the Tang Dynasty. Correction, one after another published a number of relevant correction and research papers, so that it can be constantly improved. In recent years, the relevant epitaph materials of Tang Dynasty have been further sorted out and published publicly, which can further complement the existing academic research results. Based on the relevant data seen by the author, this paper arranges some of the contents related to the history of thorns in Tang Dynasty. On the basis of comparing the complete compilation of the History of thorns in Tang Dynasty and the related research results, according to the order of the original book and the order of Daozhou County, The book and the existing research results are slightly subscribed and examined. Through combing and textual research, this paper makes up for 55 articles related to the history of assassination in 47 states, such as Gyeonggi Province, Guannai Road, Longyou Road and so on, in 47 states, such as Gyeonggi Province, Guannai Road, Longyou Dao, etc., of which 17 have been added to the posts and terms of office of 41 states. The school makes up for the history of assassination, with a term of office of 15 places. At the same time, add the "Tang Fang Town chronology" Zhongwu Army festival to make a que.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学马克思主义学部;
【基金】:吉林省社会科学基金项目(项目编号:2012BS07) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“科举的思想政治教育导向研究”(项目编号:12QN014)阶段性成果
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