[Abstract]:In the Qing Dynasty, the Central Plains region set off large-scale immigration activities to Northeast China, and the Northeast society gradually became an immigration society. Among these immigrants, economic immigrants are the main body. However, in the past, there has been no separate systematic analysis of economic migration in the study of Northeast immigrants. This paper takes the economic migration in Qing Dynasty as the research object, carries on the economic motivation analysis and the historical stage research, especially to the economic immigration and the Qing government blockade policy sharp struggle. This paper also summarizes the development of economic migration in Northeast China and its influence on the social changes in Northeast China, and then discusses some historical characteristics in the process of migration. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part summarizes the population changes and the basic situation of ethnic relations in Northeast China before the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, and makes a systematic analysis of the economic motivation of economic migration in the background of this era. Through the analysis, this paper reveals the historical necessity of economic migration. The second part divides the migration process of economic migration in Qing Dynasty into six periods in detail, summarizes the characteristics of the times of economic migration in each period, and focuses on the struggle between ban and anti-blocking. This paper expounds the viewpoint that the blocking policy hinders the economic immigration and makes it bankrupt in the end. The third part expounds the contribution of economic migration and the historical lessons in the process of migration, and reveals the leading role of working people in the history of migration.
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