[Abstract]:Before Emperor Xiaowen came to power in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the military strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty exceeded that of the Southern Dynasty, and the military balance of confrontation between the North and the South had been broken. In the early days of Emperor Xiaowen, the political decision maker of Emperor Xiaowen was Empress Dowager Feng. At that time, some people had put forward the strategy of destroying the Southern Dynasty to unify the whole country, which was quite in line with the wishes of Empress Dowager Feng. After Emperor Xiaowen was in charge of government, he repeatedly expressed his desire for southward expedition and reunification, and put it into practice, so that he eliminated all kinds of resistance and moved quickly to Luoyang, and at the time of moving to the south, he continued to lead teachers to conquer the Southern Dynasty. There are differences and disputes among the courtiers about Emperor Xiaowen's urgent move to the south, and some of them are opposed to the relocation of Luo and the south, which is consistent with their resistance to Sinicization. Hebei and Hexi people have similar attitudes, have no objection to the relocation and reunification of the capital, but have views on the progress and specific tactical layout, advocate slow march. Southern people and Qingqi people are more active support, in order to strive for merit. Driven by a strong desire for unity, Emperor Xiaowen simply suppressed opposition.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学社会发展学院历史系;
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