
发布时间:2019-06-18 20:33
[Abstract]:At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the ideological and cultural classics of Ming Dynasty were introduced into Japan one after another, which gradually influenced the ideology and culture of modern Japan. this paper summarizes the influence of Ming Dynasty military books and good books on modern Japan. In the aspect of military thought, a number of Ming Dynasty military books, such as Qi Jiguang's New Book of effect and the actual Records of military training, were introduced into Japan and flowed into the people during this period, which became an important ideological source of Japanese intellectuals in this period. Some folk intellectuals began to interpret, study the important concepts such as "moderation" in Qi's law and the practice of selecting and training troops, and on this basis began to think about the reform of the military system. In the process of spreading good books in modern Japanese society in Ming Dynasty, Buddhism, Taoism thought and Japanese Shinto thought conflicted with each other. When introducing and spreading good books, folk intellectuals used Japanese traditional beliefs and customs to reinterpret good books, which gradually became accepted by the Japanese people. By studying the history of the spread and popularization of Ming Dynasty ideology and culture in modern Japanese society, we can re-understand the choice of modern Japan in the process of understanding and accepting Ming Dynasty ideology and culture, and re-interpret and absorb the historical facts of integration.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学东方语言文化学院;
【基金】:2010年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“中国明代思想文化对近世日本的影响研究”(10YJA770070) 广东高校人文社科重大攻关项目“中日哀感文学比较研究”(11ZGXM75001)


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