[Abstract]:In ancient China, the strength of military power to a large extent determined the rise and fall of a regime. In the cold weapons war era, which is dominated by the attack and defense of the city, in the process of fighting step by step, in the face of the rapid impact of the cavalry, the Central Plains Dynasty began to strengthen the defense construction of the military important town, and the military status of the military hub city was constantly promoted. Daming House west of Taihang Mountain, the south bank of the Yellow River, the north of the vast North China Plain, located in the north and south of the main traffic road, superior military location, since spring and autumn, has been fighting for a place for soldiers. During the Tang and five dynasties, the political, economic and military development of Daming Fu area was remarkable, which laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the important military position of Daming House in Song Dynasty. As the military base of Song Dynasty to fight Liao and Jin army invasion, Daming House played a very important role in military affairs, and many important military activities in Song Dynasty were related to Daming House. Daming House played an important military defense role in resisting the invasion of Liao and Jin troops. The establishment of the important military status of Daming House in Song Dynasty was determined by the politics and military situation of Song Dynasty and the military conditions of Daming House itself. On the basis of previous studies, taking the chronological order as the outline, this paper gradually discusses the military status of Daming Prefecture from different angles, and summarizes the characteristics and laws of war and military affairs in Daming Fu area while discussing the military situation in Daming Fu area. The first chapter of this paper starts with the historical evolution of Daming Fu, and analyzes the natural, human and military geographical characteristics of Daming Prefecture. The second chapter mainly discusses the understanding of the military status of Daming House in Song, Liao and Jin dynasties, and the military deployment formed on the basis of understanding. From the point of view of water transportation, horse government and other politics and economy, this paper analyzes the reasons for the establishment of the important military position of Daming House in Song Dynasty. The third chapter mainly discusses the relationship between Daming House and Song and Liao War, and highlights the influence of Daming House War Zone on the signing of Chanyuan League. This paper focuses on the process of building Daming House for Beijing and the improvement of Beijing's military function. The fourth chapter discusses the relationship between Daming House and the Song and Jin dynasties War, and highlights the influence of the Yellow River Defense Line controlled by Daming House on the Song and Jin dynasties War, as well as the dual influence between the rise and fall of the Song Dynasty regime and the military status of Daming House. This paper mainly discusses the course of the defense war of Daming House in the early years of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the influence of the loss of the Daming House on the military deployment of the Southern Song Dynasty. The conclusion part evaluates the military status of Daming Mansion and sums up the reasons for the rise and fall of Daming Mansion.
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