发布时间:2018-01-09 07:00
本文关键词:《申报》视野下的清末立宪 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:清朝末年的立宪运动,在中国近代史上占有重要地位,是一次重大政治改革运动。《申报》在清末立宪时期是一份比较有影响力的报纸,本文运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的方法,结合历史学、政治学、新闻学,试图研究《申报》这一社会媒体,重新审视二十世纪初这场纷繁复杂的政治活动。 本文以1901年至1911年的《申报》为主要研究资料,文章主体由四部分构成。 第一部分,介绍《申报》由维护封建统治到初步要求立宪。该部分以时间为脉络,分析《申报》1901年1月至1906年8月这一时期与立宪相关的舆论,并探究其态度转变的原因。 第二部分,分析《申报》所宣传的宪政理论及政治见解。《申报》在宪政理论方面的宣传内容主要有:国会、宪法、政党、责任内阁,并对咨议局提出了相关意见。《申报》对宪政理论的宣传推动了立宪思潮的发展,加深了民众对宪政的认识,,同时刺激国民的参政意识的觉醒。 第三部分,以国会请愿为例分析《申报》所鼓吹的立宪救国舆论。《申报》积极宣传开国会的缘由,为国会请愿活动出谋划策,推动请愿运动走向高潮,时时跟踪报道请愿活动的近况,揭露清政府伪立宪的丑恶嘴脸。 第四部分,通过分析《申报》自1901年到1911年的舆论,探究《申报》对清政府筹备立宪和暴力革命的态度。该报起初对清政府筹备立宪抱有极大的希望,但是清政府不断在背离宪政与欺骗人民间摇摆,使《申报》不断在失望与希望边缘徘徊。对于暴力革命《申报》则是经历了漠视与否定、同情与非难到投向革命的转变。
[Abstract]:The constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty played an important role in the modern history of China and was a major political reform movement. In this paper, historical materialism and dialectical materialism are used to study the social media such as history, political science and journalism. Take a fresh look at this complicated political activity at the beginning of 20th century. In this paper, from 1901 to 1911, as the main research materials, the main body of the article is composed of four parts. The first part introduces the "declaration" from the maintenance of feudal rule to the preliminary requirements for constitutionalism. This paper analyzes the public opinion related to constitutionalism from January 1901 to August 1906, and probes into the reasons for the change of attitude. The second part analyzes the constitutional theory and political opinions propagated by the declaration. The main propaganda contents of the constitutional theory are: the Congress, the constitution, the political party and the responsible cabinet. The propaganda of constitutional theory promotes the development of constitutionalism, deepens the people's understanding of constitutionalism, and stimulates the awakening of the people's consciousness of participating in politics. In the third part, taking the congressional petition as an example, the author analyzes the reasons why the "declaration" advocates the constitutional salvation of the nation, actively publicizes the reasons for opening the Congress, advises the Congressional petition campaign, and promotes the petition movement to the climax. Keep track of the recent situation of the petition and expose the ugly face of the Qing government. Part 4th, through the analysis of the "declaration" from 1901 to 1911 public opinion. This paper explores the attitude of the Qing government to the preparation of the constitution and violent revolution. At first, the newspaper had great hope for the Qing government to prepare the constitution, but the Qing government was constantly deviating from the constitutionalism and deceiving the people and people. The violent revolution has gone through the transformation of indifference and negation, sympathy and reproach to turn to revolution.
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