本文关键词:清至民国时期柳江流域经济开发研究 出处:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 柳江流域 移民 土地垦殖 资源开发 经济发展
[Abstract]:The Liujiang River basin is located in remote, harsh environment, complex ethnic relations, under the influence of various factors, the economy of the area has been relatively backward, a large number of idle resources, has not been effectively developed. This paper from the agriculture, mining industry, the study of economic development of the Liujiang River basin during this period of business. This paper begins with an overview of the Liujiang River watershed environment and population. The Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the government relaxed the fetters of incentives, to encourage the development of agricultural land reclamation policies. Therefore, a large number of immigrants moved into the the Liujiang River River, to provide the necessary conditions for economic development. Agriculture, discusses the reclamation policy, water conservancy construction, mode of production, the new crop promotion content, and to analyze the impact of agricultural development. Industrial and mining industry, discusses the economic crops and forest resources in the development process, on the basis of discussing the development of handicraft industry and mining industry. The main business To business to business environment, commodity circulation, and other aspects of the study, we can see the important role of the Liujiang River waterway to business development. It is found from the study of these aspects, the economic development of the the Liujiang River river basin is in the policy, immigration, the mutual influence of traffic and productivity of several factors. In the promotion of official policy and immigration the presence of forest resources in the the Liujiang River River Basin, land resources, mineral resources have been developed, the further development of agriculture, handicraft industry and business. Immigration strengthened in the commodity exchange, and promote business development. Through the the Liujiang River channel, the Liujiang River Valley commercial radiation to Guizhou, Hunan and Guangdong province the the Liujiang River River Basin, to participate in the market economy, to become part of the social market. At the same time, the Liujiang River basin and many other industries that should suit measures to local conditions in the region, according to the actual situation to develop. These experiences have a certain reference value for current basin development.
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