发布时间:2018-02-03 09:46
本文关键词: 二十世纪五六十年代 湖北 支援新疆 出处:《华中师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:二十世纪五六十年代的中国是一个让人眼花缭乱的时代,在此期间,中国大地上发生了许许多多的历史事件,不仅有“反右”斗争,更有“人民公社化”和“大跃进”运动。一时之间中国大地掀起了轰轰烈烈的大生产运动。为了支持新疆等少数民族地区的发展,实现“全国一盘棋”战略,中央决定动员内地青年前往边疆地区支援建设。 文章第一部分主要写当代新疆的地理特征和新疆丰富的各类资源,并对建国以来的新疆的建设成就作简要介绍。 文章第二部分主要写党中央关于援疆的决策和湖北对援疆工作的前期准备,包括组织、动员、后勤、安置等一系列的前期工作。 文章第三部分主要写湖北三次援疆的过程。并根据新疆需要的实际指出三次援疆的不同特点。 第四部分主要写新疆对援疆人员的接收以及援疆人员在新疆如何适应当地生活、如何在实践中成长,并简要叙述了援疆人员当地少数民族的兄弟之情,同时也列举具体事例加以说明。 第五部分主要是对湖北援疆的评价。湖北援疆人员为新疆当地的经济建设做出了重要的贡献。湖北在援疆的过程中留下了许多宝贵的经验,也有不足,为新时期援助边疆建设提供有益的启示。 湖北省响应党中央的号召,先后三次大规模的组织青壮年前往新疆参加当地的建设,与当地各族人民并肩战斗,为新疆经济建设、民族团结、社会稳定作出了重要贡献,为新时期支援边疆建设积累了丰富的历史经验和有益的历史启示。湖北支疆人员的朝气蓬勃、艰苦创业、无私奉献的高尚情操必将成为激励新时期支援边疆人员的强大的精神动力。
[Abstract]:In 20th century, China was a dazzling era, during which time, there were many historical events on the land of China, not only the "anti-right" struggle. In order to support the development of Xinjiang and other minority areas, the strategy of "one game of chess for the whole country" was realized. The Central Committee decided to mobilize mainland youth to go to the border areas to support the construction. The first part of the article mainly describes the geographical characteristics of contemporary Xinjiang and its abundant resources, and briefly introduces the achievements of Xinjiang's construction since the founding of the people's Republic of China. The second part of the article mainly describes the decision of the CPC Central Committee on aiding Xinjiang and the preliminary preparations for Hubei's work of aiding Xinjiang, including a series of preliminary work, such as organization, mobilization, logistics, resettlement, and so on. The third part of the article mainly describes the process of three times of aid to Xinjiang in Hubei Province, and points out the different characteristics of the three times of aid to Xinjiang according to the needs of Xinjiang. Part 4th mainly describes the reception of Xinjiang aid personnel, how to adapt to the local life in Xinjiang, how to grow up in practice, and briefly describes the Brotherhood of the local minorities. At the same time, specific examples are also cited to illustrate. The 5th part is mainly about the evaluation of Hubei aid to Xinjiang. Hubei aid Xinjiang personnel have made important contributions to the local economic construction in Xinjiang. Hubei has left a lot of valuable experience in the process of assisting Xinjiang, but also has some shortcomings. For the new period of aid to the construction of border areas to provide useful inspiration. In response to the call of the CPC Central Committee, Hubei Province organized three large scale young adults to Xinjiang to participate in local construction, fight side by side with the local people of all ethnic groups, and work for Xinjiang's economic construction and national unity. Social stability has made important contributions to the new period of support for the construction of border areas has accumulated rich historical experience and useful historical inspiration. The noble sentiment of selfless devotion will become a powerful spiritual power to inspire the frontier personnel in the new period.
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