本文关键词: 两种教育制度 两种劳动制度 半工半读 半农半读 出处:《河南师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“两种教育制度、两种劳动制度”是刘少奇同志在二十世纪五十年代后期针对我国经济、文化教育不发达的具体国情,为尽快地发展我国经济和文化教育事业,解决劳动力就业问题而提出的新型制度。这一制度经历了两次试验高潮,分别发生于1956年“社会主义改造”基本完成和1964年国民经济调整基本到位之后,反映了普及教育、提高劳动者素质的迫切愿望,体现了改变教育落后面貌和改革劳动用工制度的积极探索。 “两种教育制度、两种劳动制度”的提出有着深厚的理论根源,是对马克思主义关于“教育与生产劳动相结合”思想在新形势下的具体运用,它的诞生和发展经历了一波三折,最后终于在1966年“文化大革命”的面前走向了终结。“两种教育制度、两种劳动制度”是我国社会发展到一定阶段之后所进行的一次关于教育和劳动体制的改革,对其进行系统的回顾,总结其在运行过程中的得与失,对于我们当前搞好教育和劳动制度的改革具有一定的借鉴意义,并且以后也将继续对我国的社会主义建设有着深远的意义。 本文主要从“两种教育制度、两种劳动制度”的理论基础、背景、含义、诞生、实施、意义及局限性等几个方面,对其进行了系统的回顾和总结,以期对我国现今的经济社会建设有所帮助。
[Abstract]:In 1950s, Comrade Liu Shaoqi aimed at the underdevelopment of economy, culture and education in China, in order to develop the economic, cultural and educational undertakings of our country as soon as possible. The new system proposed to solve the problem of labor force employment has experienced two experimental climaxes, which occurred after the "socialist transformation" was basically completed in 1956 and the national economic adjustment was basically completed in 1964, which reflected the popularization of education. The urgent desire to improve the quality of laborers reflects the positive exploration of changing the backward outlook of education and reforming the labor employment system. The proposition of "two educational systems, two kinds of labor systems" has profound theoretical roots. It is the concrete application of the Marxist thought of "combination of education and productive labor" in the new situation, and its birth and development have experienced a series of twists and turns. Finally, in the face of the "Cultural Revolution" in 1966, it came to an end. "two educational systems, two kinds of labor systems" is a reform of the education and labor system carried out after the development of our society to a certain stage. The systematic review and summary of the gains and losses in the course of operation will be useful for us to do well in the reform of education and labor system. And will also continue to our socialist construction in the future has a profound significance. This paper reviews and summarizes the theoretical basis, background, meaning, birth, implementation, significance and limitation of "two educational systems and two labor systems". With a view to our country's current economic and social construction to help.
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4 大肖;中国职业教育纵览[N];中国建材报;2004年
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