
发布时间:2018-03-01 03:22

  本文关键词: 秦安县 农村 人民公社化运动 研究 出处:《西北师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:甘肃省秦安县农村人民公社化运动的兴起,是秦安县在全国农村人民公社化运动高潮下,按照中央的要求,执行中央到地方的指示的产物。它的兴起给生活在这片土地上的人们带来了深远的影响。它形成了一种特有的基层政治、经济组织体系,即人民公社体制。把基层政权机构乡人民委员会和集体经济组织的领导机构公社管理委员会合为一体,统一管理全乡、全社的各种事务,即“政社合一”。实行了以公共食堂为主的供给制,尝试性的进行了社会主义福利事业的建设。 在公社化下,秦安县广大人民群众进行了一系列大规模的生产建设运动,集体化的生产生活方式代替了以单个家庭为单位的个体生活方式,在一定程度上改变了当地的生产条件,造成了深远的影响,为当今社会主义新农村建设提供了经验与教训。秦安县农村人民公社化运动同全国一样,也存在着一系列诸如“共产风”等重大问题。“一大二公”,“浮夸风”、“瞎指挥风”泛滥,只注重政治运动,不重视实际效果,造成了人力物力的巨大浪费,导致了人民群众生活质量的下降,最后不得不以失败而告终。
[Abstract]:The rise of the rural people's commune movement in Qinan County, Gansu Province, was the climax of the nationwide rural people's commune movement in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee. The product of the implementation of central to local directives. Its rise has had a profound impact on the people living in this land. It has formed a unique grass-roots political and economic organization system. That is, the system of people's communes. It combines the grassroots organs of political power, the township people's committees, and the commune management committees, the leading organ of collective economic organizations, into one body, and manages the affairs of the whole township and the whole community in a unified manner. That is, "the integration of government and society". The supply system of public canteen is implemented, and the construction of socialist welfare cause is attempted. Under the commune, the broad masses of the people in Qinan County carried out a series of large-scale production and construction campaigns. The collectivized production and life style replaced the individual way of life based on a single family. To a certain extent, the local production conditions have been changed, which has had a profound impact and provided experience and lessons for the construction of a new socialist countryside. The movement of the people's commune in Qinan County is the same as in the whole country. There are also a series of major problems, such as "common production style", such as "big and second public", "grandiose wind" and "blind command wind", which focus only on political movements and do not attach importance to practical results, resulting in a huge waste of manpower and material resources. As a result of the decline in the quality of life of the people, they had to end in failure.


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