本文选题:毛彦文 切入点:婚恋 出处:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:毛彦文,这个生于新旧交替时代的女子,一生充满传奇色彩。作为最早留学海外并获得硕士学位的女性之一,她归国后从教参政,主持香山慈幼院,出任国民大会代表,她的所作所为都值得在现代妇女史上记下一笔。但她长期以来备受史学界的冷落,人们偶尔关注的是她的婚恋故事,她只在人们谈起吴宓的情感世界时偶被提及。确实,纵观毛彦文的婚恋经历,先是为反对父亲包办婚姻而逃婚,后因自由恋爱的对象表哥朱君毅见异思迁而协议解除婚约,再是经人介绍半中半西的文明结婚,每一回都可作为中国近代婚姻史的典型个案加以研究。 人物的命运总是与她所处的时代密切相关。人物的歌哭言笑、喜怒哀乐,漫长丰富的一生在时代面前也就是那么极为粗略的几笔,时代塑造着人物。同时人物的命运也反映着时代的变迁。只有把时代的一切落实到鲜活而具有个性的人物身上,透过她的生活和情感、心灵,才会看清楚历史的影像,以及时代的变迁。虽然恋爱婚姻是私人的事情,但它可以从细微处折射出社会影像和时代思潮。 毛彦文的婚恋经历就在一定程度上反映了民国这样一个过渡性的大时代里,青年男女的婚恋状况。这表现为,一方面旧式婚姻盛行,并且从各方面调查数据显示他们订婚早、结婚早、婚前不相识的特征明显;另一方面随着时代政治经济的发展,新思想的传播,自由恋爱思潮兴起并且为青年们所追求。然而,在过渡性的时代里,他们有新思想的同时却又固守旧道德,自由恋爱的新观念对于实际生活就有了复杂性、层次性和微妙性的影响。它给一些人带来新生,也造成了另一些人的悲剧。同时,折前两个方面之中的,介绍式半中半西的文明结婚,在新旧杂糅的时代里也占有一定的比例。这充分反映了要打破传统还得利用传统。
[Abstract]:Mao Yanwen, a woman born in the new and the old alternate era, lived a life full of legend. As one of the first women to study overseas and obtain a master's degree, she returned to China to teach and participate in politics, presided over the Xiangshan Salesian and Young Academy, and served as a delegate to the National Convention. What she has done is worth writing down in the history of modern women. But she has long been left out of the historical world, with occasional attention to the story of her love and marriage, and she is only occasionally mentioned when people talk about Wu Mi's emotional world. Mao Yanwen's marriage and love experience, first to oppose the father arranged marriage and escape marriage, and then because of the object of free love of the cousin Zhu Junyi, and the agreement to dissolve the marriage agreement, and then through the introduction of a half of the Western civilized marriage. Each case can be studied as a typical case of modern Chinese marriage history. The fate of the character is always closely related to the age in which she lives. The times shape the characters. At the same time, the fate of the characters also reflects the changes of the times. Only through her life and emotion, can she see the image of history clearly. Although love and marriage is a private matter, it can reflect the social image and the trend of thought in detail. Mao Yanwen's love and marriage experience reflects, to some extent, the situation of young men and women in a transitional era such as the Republic of China. This shows that, on the one hand, old-style marriage is prevalent, and various surveys show that they are engaged early. Early marriage, premarital ignorance, on the other hand, with the development of political and economic times, the spread of new ideas, the rise of the trend of free love and the pursuit of youth. However, in the transitional era, They have new ideas while sticking to the old morality, and the new concept of free love has a complex, hierarchical and subtle impact on real life. It brings new life to some people, and causes tragedy to others. At the same time, The introduction of the first two aspects of the marriage of civilization and marriage in the new and old hybrids also occupies a certain proportion, which fully reflects the need to break the tradition but also to use it.
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