发布时间:2018-03-18 10:46
本文选题:庚辛“西狩” 切入点:长安 出处:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:光绪二十六年七月二十一日,在八国联军侵袭下,慈禧携光绪及若干亲王大臣仓皇西逃,一直到光绪二十七年十一月二十八日重新回到北京,历时共511天,横跨庚子辛丑年,官方史学美其名日“庚子西狩”。就在到达长安不久后,慈禧就颁布了实行新政的上谕,这即开启了晚清十年的新政,推动了中国的现代化进程。为何在此时满清统治者会以推动者的姿态同意新政?作为最高权力者的慈禧在其中起了多大作用?她在切身经历庚子之变后,为何会从变法的被动者、乃至扼杀者变成推动变法的主动者等,都将在本文得到简要的梳理。 本文除附录、结语等,具体分为五章进行论述: 第一章主要从一个比较新颖的视角分析了慈禧一行“西狩”的历史与现实背景。传统史学观点往往以义和团运动与八国联军侵华为其背景,而本文将此背景锁定在甲午战争之后的戊戌维新,以及晚清以来民间与官府积蓄已久的仇洋意识。一方面点明义和团被清政府所利用,尤其是因为作为最高权力者的慈禧与洋人素有仇恨,她的任何决策都带有决定性的效力,如此视之也就不应否认她对发起新政所起的作用;另一方面则是在戊戌的背景下,以中枢人员变动为角度来梳理慈禧向六国宣战的助推力量。 第二章主要介绍了慈禧在西狩之初的情境与诏幸西安的决定。本章大体以时间为顺序分为三个部分:第一部分提出了慈禧一行在出走之始的几个问题,突显其仓皇潦倒的情形;第二部分则以简要的笔录记述了从直隶怀来县至山西太原路途中,其一行队伍的休整与慈禧在落难中的心理感受;第三部分即为本论文第三章的序幕,即慈禧下诏巡幸西安的旨意,及将西安作为庚辛之际临时行在的理由。 第三章主要梳理了慈禧“西狩”长安期间的吃穿用度,以及对陕西当地的施政要项等。此部分内容在一些正史、野史中有零散地记录。考虑到笔者的知识局限与能力不足,仅将慈禧在此期间的吃穿住行做以归纳、梳理,并根据史料整理出慈禧在此期间为陕西省的赈济救灾所做出的举措,以及某些当地者因慈禧赏识所获得的殊荣,这可谓是慈禧难得的亲民、善民举动。由此让她切实感受到了民生疾苦,有了些许的节俭意识。 第四章主要探究了慈禧为回銮所做的准备与路途供张。第一部分的准备工作包括向外国妥协、镇压义和团、惩办祸首、赔款议和,东南互保等,因为这些内容史学界已以其它视角多有研究,所以本文在此仅是简略提及,并将侧重点放在慈禧为保全自己推卸责任,不惜以更大代价维护自己的统治上。这体现了她虽经祸患,但仍然是清政府的最高权力者。本章的第二部分则以较重的笔墨论述了慈禧在回銮途中供张的奢侈,这与庚子仓皇西逃时形成了鲜明地对比,特别是慈禧在这一年多对外国态度的巨大转变。 第五章主要论述了慈禧经历庚辛之变与清末新政肇始之间的关系。这亦是本文新的侧重点。因为在传统史学下已将新政发动的诸多背景,诸如李鸿章与各国的议和、东南互保、驻外公使的合奏、俄占东三省、镇压义和团、惩办祸首等,都或多或少早有论述。本文无意再进行重复工作,加之笔者能力有限,无法驾驭如此庞大的课题,仅此以慈禧在西狩与回銮的过程中,其个人的感触为侧重点,将其作为发动新政的诸多原因之一。此部分主要包括两项内容:一方面是从实行新政的人员因素进行分析,尤其是以袁世凯为例进行论述;另一方面则又重点论述了慈禧在清末新政发动方面的决定性作用,并且着重、系统地分析了其发动新政的心理原因与历史局限。 总之,在以往的史观中,对慈禧发动新政的动机往往抱有怀疑、甚至否定的态度,尤其是新政的实施在一定的历史角度上确实成为加速清朝灭亡的助推器。但是,随着近年来对新政,及慈禧个人的研究不断深入,学界开始以一种“理解”地态度,深入到其所处的社会大环境中看待慈禧对新政所做的些许积极意义。不可置否,其发动新政是以维持其统治为根本出发点的,是不得不做的抉择,但是经历过“庚辛西狩”后的慈禧,终于还从内心深处对新政有了最为迫切的诉求,虽然这种诉求本身仍带有巨大的局限性。正如陈旭麓评述到,新政是“一个顽固冥钝的人物在严酷的时势逼迫下产生的一点反思,是一种迟来而又易逝的反思”。
[Abstract]:Guangxu twenty-six years in July 21st, allied forces invasion, Ci Xi and Guangxu minister Prince and some fled in panic the west, until Guangxu twenty-seven years back in Beijing in November 28th, lasted 511 days, across the boxer Xin Chounian, the official history named "gengzi West hunting". It was shortly after arriving in Changan, Ci Xi issued as the implementation of the new deal, which opened a new deal in the late Qing Dynasty ten years, promoted the modernization process of China. Why at this time will be facilitator of the Qing rulers attitude agreed to the new deal? As the highest authority of Ci Xi played a big role in it? In her personal experience after the Boxer Rebellion, why from the passive method and, the strangler becomes the driving reform initiative, will be briefly in this paper.
In addition to the appendix, conclusion and so on, this article is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter mainly from a new perspective of the historical and realistic background for Ci Xi "West hunting". The traditional view is often in the Boxer Movement and allied forces invaded China as its background, and this background in the Sino Japanese war after the reform movement of 1898, and since the late Qing Dynasty folk and official pent up Qiu Yang consciousness. On the one hand and the point group is used by Ming Yi Qing government, especially as Ci Xi and foreigners the highest authority is known as the hatred, any decision with her decisive effect, so as it should not deny her to initiate the new role; on the other hand is in the under the background, the central personnel changes as the angle to comb Ci Xi to the war on boost power.
The second chapter mainly introduces the situation and Ci Xi Chao in West hunting at the beginning of the honor of Xi'an's decision. This chapter generally takes time as the order is divided into three parts: the first part presents Ci Xi in several problems leaving the beginning of the situation, highlighting the cut down; the second part briefly described in the record from Taiyuan to Shanxi Chihli Huailai County Road, and the rest of the team in Ci Xi for a victim in psychological feeling; the third part is the prelude to the third chapter of this thesis, namely Ci Xi Xiazhao will tour Xi'an, and Xi'an as Xinzhi as temporary row in G for.
The third chapter mainly introduces Ci Xi "West hunting" in Changan during the period of Shaanxi local everyday food and clothing, and so on. This part of the policy elements in some unofficial history, have scattered records. Considering the limitations of knowledge and ability of the weak, only Ci Xi during the period of living makes a summary, carding, and according to historical data sorting out Ci Xi during this period as Shaanxi province relief made the move, and some local acquired by Ci Xi appreciation award, this is Ci Xi is the rare people, good people move. Thus let her feel the hardships of the people, have some sense of frugality.
The fourth chapter mainly explores the road ready with what Ci Xi did for Luan for the first part of the preparatory work. Including the foreign concessions, putting down the Boxer Indemnity, punish the culprit, and, because the content of the mutual protection in the southeast, historians has other perspectives have studied a lot, so this is only briefly mentioned, and will focus put the responsibility for the preservation of their own in Ci Xi, at a higher price to maintain their own rule. It reflects her in spite of the scourge, but is still the supreme power of the Qing government. The second part of this chapter is to heavy ink discusses Ci Xi in the way for the luxury of Zhang Luan, this stark to contrast with the panic fled West, especially Ci Xi in more than a year of foreign attitudes about the great changes.
The fifth chapter mainly discusses Ci Xi after the incident of Gengxin and a relationship between the onset of late Qing Dynasty. This is also a new focus. Because the traditional historiography has many new background to launch, and Li Hongzhang and other countries, such as Southeast mutual, envoys of the ensemble, Russia accounted for the northeast, suppressing the boxers, punish the culprit. That is more or less has been discussed. This article has no intention to repeat the work, and the limited ability of the author, not to control such a huge task, just as Ci Xi in the West Kano and Luan, their personal feelings as the focus, as one of the many reasons to launch the new deal. This part mainly includes two contents: on the one hand is analyzed from the factors of the implementation of the new deal of the staff, especially in the case of Yuan Shikai is discussed; on the other hand, it focuses on Ci Xi in the late Qing Dynasty launched the decisive role The psychological and historical limitations of the new policy are systematically analyzed.
In short, in the past of history, Ci Xi launched a new motivation often have doubts, even negative attitude, especially the implementation of the new deal is accelerated the demise of the Qing Dynasty in the history of the booster of a certain angle. However, with the recent research on the new deal, and Ci Xi's personal development, scholars began to start a "understanding" attitude, deep into a positive social environment in the view of Ci Xi's new deal. Admittedly, the launch of the new deal is the fundamental starting point to maintain its rule, is to choose to do, but experienced "Xinxi Geng Shou" after Ci Xi. Finally from the heart to deal with the most urgent demand, although the appeal itself is still a huge limitations. As Chen Xulu observes, "the new deal is a stubborn character in Hades blunt harsh situation forced the A little reflection is a late and perishable reflection.
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