本文选题:黔系军阀 切入点:北伐 出处:《社会科学辑刊》2014年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:On the eve of the Northern Expedition War, the Guizhou warlords headed by Yuan Zuming were defeated by Liu Xiang and other Sichuan warlords, and retreated to the border of Hunan and Guizhou. In order to find room for survival, the Guizhou troops gradually approached the Guangzhou Revolutionary Government and separated from the Northern warlords. Attached to the National Revolutionary Army. In order to reduce resistance to the Northern Expedition, the Guangzhou government also actively fought for the Guizhou Army. The Guizhou Army was once the main force of the leftist forces in the Northern Expedition, and moved to western Hunan, Western Hubei, and other places. Coordinated with the battle of the Central Army in the battlefield of the two lakes. With the successive victories of the Northern Expedition, the internal contradictions of the Revolutionary Army intensified day by day. Yuan Zuming, head of the Guizhou Army, and Peng Hanzhang were successively in Changde. Hankou was hunted and killed by Tang Shengzhi on charges of "no revolution" and "counter-revolution." after the separation of Ninghan and Han, the 10th army of Wang Tianpei, the Guizhou army, continued with the northern expedition of Nanjing, but because of the defeat of the Xuzhou campaign, Wang Tianpei was killed by Jiang Jieshi as the "scapegoat." All the Guizhou warlords who were once involved in the Northern Expedition were eliminated by the Northern Expedition. In the great environment of the National Revolution and the Northern Expedition War, the Guizhou warlords changed from the object of "revolution" to the participant of the "revolution". In the end, the historical process and final fate of "non-revolution" and "counter-revolution" also reveal the arbitrariness and arbitrariness of the words of "revolution" and "counter-revolution" at that time.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学蒋介石与近代中国研究中心;浙江大学历史系;
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