
发布时间:2018-03-30 01:42

  本文选题:陈去病 切入点:南社 出处:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:陈去病是南社的主要发起者和创始人之一,并且在南社的活动过程中发挥了无以替代的作用。但近年来关于南社主要成员的研究成果,论及柳亚子者较为丰富,而研究陈去病者却寥寥无几。另外,现今关于陈去病的研究成果,大多局限在他的文学创作层面,比如诗歌、戏剧。而从思想文化层面来深度研究陈去病其人其事者却很少。基于这两方面,本文试图对他的启蒙思想进行探讨。 陈去病积极创办南社,并以南社为阵地,以手中之笔为利器,创作了大量革命诗文,主要收集在他的《浩歌堂诗抄》中,还撰述了大量历史著作,,如《陆沉丛书》、《五石脂》、《明遗民录》、《清秘史》等,借历史上的惨痛记忆和历史上的民族英雄来鼓励和警醒后人进行民族革命,藉以激发民族志节,鼓吹反清革命,启迪民众智慧,大大激发了广大爱国志士的革命斗志。他还提倡戏剧改良,创办了第一个戏剧杂志《二十世纪大舞台》,发表了大量戏剧改革的理论文章,借戏剧来开启民智、启蒙民众。他的诗文以慷慨悲壮为特点,可谓当时先进知识分子精神面貌的真实写照。 陈去病生活在辛亥革命前后,当时的内忧外患和清政府的软弱无能带给民族的深重苦难,使其心灵震撼,于是他积极投身于民族民主革命。可见陈去病的努力并未停留于言论层面,而是积极投身于民族民主革命的实践之中,如,在辛亥革命时期加入同盟会,参加“二次革命”、“护法运动”,成为辛亥革命时期的风云人物,表现出了崇高的爱国主义和民主主义情怀。他的反清革命活动和为维护民主共和制度所做的努力,在中国近代史上留下了深刻的印记。
[Abstract]:Chen Qubing is one of the main initiators and founders of Nanshe, and has played an irreplaceable role in its activities. However, there are very few people who study Chen Qubing. In addition, most of the current research achievements on Chen Qubing are confined to his literary creation, such as poetry. Drama. But there are few people who deeply study Chen Qubing from the aspect of ideology and culture. Based on these two aspects, this paper attempts to discuss his enlightenment thought. Chen Qubing actively founded the South Society and used the pen in his hands as a sharp weapon to create a large number of revolutionary poems, mainly collected in his "Haoge Tang Poetry copy", and also wrote a large number of historical works. For example, "Lu Shen Series", "Wushi Zhi", "Ming people's Records", "A Secret History of the Qing Dynasty", etc., to encourage and alert future generations to carry out national revolutions by the bitter memory of history and historical national heroes, in order to stimulate the National Records Festival and preach the anti-Qing revolution. He inspired the wisdom of the people and greatly inspired the revolutionary fighting spirit of the broad masses of patriots. He also advocated dramatic improvement, founded the first drama magazine, the Great stage of the Twentieth Century, published a large number of theoretical articles on dramatic reform, and opened up the people's wisdom through drama. His poems are characterized by generosity and tragicality, which is a true portrayal of the spiritual outlook of the advanced intellectuals at that time. Chen Qubing lived before and after the Revolution of 1911, when the internal and external troubles and the weakness of the Qing government brought great suffering to the nation and shocked its soul. As a result, he devoted himself actively to the national democratic revolution. It can be seen that Chen Qubing's efforts did not stop at the level of speech, but in the practice of the national democratic revolution, such as joining the League during the Revolution of 1911. He took part in the "second Revolution" and the "Law Custodian Movement" and became a prominent figure in the period of the Revolution of 1911, showing lofty patriotism and democratic feelings. His anti-Qing revolutionary activities and his efforts to safeguard the democratic and Republican system, It has left a deep impression on the modern history of China.


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