本文选题:《申报》 切入点:舆论 出处:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:发生在20世纪初的辛亥武昌首义,以武装起义的方式结束了统治中国几千年的封建王朝,是20世纪最具代表性的历史事件之一。《申报》是一份具有77年历史的重要报刊,,在中国近现代史上占有举足轻重的地位。同时《申报》是商业性报刊,能够比较客观、公正地反映出辛亥武昌首义等一系列历史事件的真实情况。 本文共分三部分,另外还有绪论及结语部分。 绪论部分主要介绍了论文的大概内容,学界的研究状况和本文研究的目的与意义以及研究方法。 第一部分主要介绍了武昌首义时期的舆论环境。此阶段清政府的统治已经是风雨飘摇,而大量报刊的创办为人民带来了新的知识和力量。清政府为了维护自己的统治,颁布了大量的政策法规,对新生的报刊力量进行了严厉的打击和摧残。但是,清政府的禁报重点主要针对的是革命报刊,于是以《申报》为代表的民营报刊开始悄悄壮大起来,成为了新的舆论力量。 第二部分主要研究了武昌首义前后的《申报》舆论。从四川保路运动开始经武昌首义至南北议和结束。《申报》由四川保路运动及成都血案开始,一点点的关注了解革命,武昌首义发生后逐渐开始宣传支持革命。到了南北议和阶段又由支持革命军北伐,呼吁共和转为支持袁世凯希望平定内乱。可以看到,在以上各历史阶段《申报》舆论并不是一成不变的,而是一直处于变化中的。 第三部分分析了《申报》舆论对社会的影响。首先分析了《申报》舆论变化的原因是由内外因素及普遍的社会心理共同作用的结果。最后分析了《申报》舆论对革命起到的不可忽视的作用。最后为结语,总括全文。
[Abstract]:Xinhai Wuchang, which took place in the early 20th century, ended the feudal dynasty, which ruled China for thousands of years, by an armed uprising. It is one of the most representative historical events of the 20th century. It is an important newspaper with a history of 77 years.In the modern history of China occupies a pivotal position.At the same time, the declaration is a commercial newspaper, which can objectively and fairly reflect the true situation of a series of historical events such as the first meaning of Xinhai Wuchang.This article is divided into three parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion.The introduction part mainly introduces the general content of the thesis, the research status of academic circles, the purpose and significance of this research and the research methods.The first part mainly introduces the public opinion environment during the first righteousness period of Wuchang.At this stage, the Qing government's rule had been stormy, and the establishment of a large number of newspapers and periodicals brought new knowledge and strength to the people.In order to maintain its own rule, the Qing government promulgated a large number of policies and regulations, and severely cracked down on the new forces of newspapers and periodicals.However, the focus of the Qing government's ban on newspapers and periodicals was mainly aimed at revolutionary newspapers and periodicals, so the private newspapers represented by the "declaration" began to grow up quietly and became a new power of public opinion.The second part mainly studies the public opinion before and after Wuchang Shouyi.From the first righteousness of Wuchang to the end of the peace between the north and the south, the "declaration" began from the Sichuan Protective Road Movement and the Chengdu Blood case, paid little attention to the revolution, and gradually began to propagate and support the revolution after the first righteousness of Wuchang came into being.At the stage of north-south peace, the Northern Expedition of the supporting Revolutionary Army called for the Republic to support Yuan Shikai and hoped to calm the civil unrest.As can be seen, in the above historical stages, the public opinion is not static, but always in the process of change.The third part analyzes the influence of public opinion on society.The reason of the change of public opinion is the result of internal and external factors and the common social psychology.Finally, the paper analyzes the role of public opinion in the revolution.The last part is the conclusion.
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