本文选题:《妇女杂志》 + 女性意识 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:创刊于1915年的《妇女杂志》内容丰富,是中国妇女报刊史上历史悠久,发行面最广的大型刊物。其创刊时间与新文化运动恰逢同年,其发展历程又跨越了五四运动。这两件带有浓厚政治色彩的事件,又恰恰是中国近代思想解放的分水岭与里程碑。《妇女杂志》的沿革,也就以其独特的形式记录下了当时发生在中国近代史上思想大革命演变的轨迹,为后人研究当时的妇女运动提供了一个窗口。《妇女杂志》存在的十七年见证了中国妇女运动的高潮与低落,也见证了近代在萌芽状态的女性意识在觉醒中徘徊的历史,其中《妇女杂志》的明显分期倾向就是表现之一。 前期的《妇女杂志》徘徊于中与西、新与旧之间,这个时期学西方的思潮不断深入,但同时袁世凯对媒体舆论的严格控制使以妇女命名的《妇女杂志》不敢大张旗鼓的伸张新式妇女的权利,只能谨慎地在中与西、新与旧之间保持平衡;中期的《妇女杂志》由于新文化运动的深入开展和章锡琛主编的加入开始讨论新锐的妇女问题议题,其“新性道德号”的刊出最为新锐的顶峰随着章锡琛主编的辞职而重归保守;后期的《妇女杂志》在接连更换主编后终于迎来真正的女性之声,女性主编杨润余深入女性生活,发表的文章更贴近妇女实际,其温和的旨趣能引发更多的女性在大众舆论界发出自己的声音。但不幸的是,由于1932年12月商务印书馆被日军炸毁,《妇女杂志》十七年的生命也从此宣告完结。 全文在结构上可以分为七个部分,第一部分主要回顾了《妇女杂志》创办前后中国女性状态,主要在戊戌维新和辛亥革命两个时期,从男性倡导下的男女平等和女性对自我价值的发现两个层面进行分析。第二部分主要介绍了《妇女杂志》的概况,包括创刊背景、作者群的性别分析、主要栏目及特点、分期等方面。第三部分论述了《妇女杂志》与女性主体意识觉醒之间的复杂关系。女性主体意识作为女性意识觉醒中最重要的一个方面,包括自我意识(向内)、家庭意识和社会意识(向外),中国女性意识的发现经历了从关注家庭到关注自身、从关注自身转向关注社会,几经反复的向内与向外的觉醒过程,,这在《妇女杂志》中都有明显的体现。第四部分就《妇女杂志》如何反对男权专制、争取男女平等进行了论述,并对其中夹杂着的对男权不同程度认同的现象给与关注与阐释,认为这是女性意识徘徊的表现。第五部分介绍了《妇女杂志》对其他具体女性意识问题的讨论,其中包括女子教育问题、男女社交公开问题、女性经济独立问题和女性参政问题等等。但由于口号和行动之间的落差极大,虽然知识分子和上层妇女极力鼓吹,但实际效果却不近如人意,女性权利在很大程度上没有得到真正意义上的实现。第六部分是《妇女杂志》与西方女性主义的引入,论述了女性意识的来源——西方女性主义是如何经《妇女杂志》介绍到中国的,并比较了中西方女性主义的异同。第七部分主要分析了近代女性意识觉醒和徘徊的原因及表现,还有对当今社会妇女解放运动的启示。 在近代中国由于特殊的国情,民族危机压倒一切成为中国社会最主要的矛盾,妇女解放,女性意识的觉醒也成为争取民主自由的附属品,因此女性意识的觉醒与社会上的精英男性有着脱不了的干系,女性价值的发现最初就是由男性完成的,中国女性意识的觉醒过程就是逐渐与男性分道扬镳并认识到自身价值的过程。
[Abstract]:The content of "women's magazine", which was created in 1915, is rich in content. It has a long history in the history of Chinese women's press and the most widely distributed publication. Its creation time coincides with the new culture movement in the same year, and its course of development crosses the 54 Movement. These two events with strong political color are the watershed and the watershed of modern Chinese ideological emancipation. The evolution of "women's magazine" has also recorded the evolution of the ideological revolution in modern Chinese history in its unique form, providing a window for future generations to study the movement of women at that time. The seventeen years of the existence of women's magazine witnessed the climax and decline of Chinese women's movement and witnessed the emergence of modern times. The feminine consciousness of bud state awaits in awakening, and the obvious tendency of "women magazine" is one of its manifestations.
At the same time, the strict control of Yuan Shikai's media opinion made the women's "women's magazine" not dare to extend the rights of the new type of women, and the middle and the west, the new and the old kept a balance between the middle and the West. As a result of the deepening of the new cultural movement and the introduction of Zhang Xichen's chief editor, the women's magazine began to discuss the issue of women's issues. The most new peak of the "new moral code" was returned to the Conservatives with the resignation of Zhang Xichen's editor in chief. The later "women's magazine" came to a true female after the replacement of the editor in chief. Yang Runyu, the female editor in chief, went deep into the women's life, and the articles published were more close to the reality of women. Their gentle purport could cause more women to voice their voices in the public opinion. Unfortunately, the life of the seventeen years of the women's magazine had been completed since the December 1932 commercial press was destroyed by the Japanese army.
The full text can be divided into seven parts in structure. The first part mainly reviews the state of Chinese women before and after the founding of the women's magazine, mainly in the two periods of the reform movement of 1898 and the revolution of 1911, and the analysis of the equality between men and women and the discovery of women's self value from two aspects. The second part mainly introduces the women's magazine. The third part discusses the complex relationship between the women's magazine and the awakening of women's subjective consciousness. The female subject consciousness is the most important aspect in the awakening of women's consciousness, including self consciousness (Xiang Nei), family consciousness and social consciousness. The discovery of Chinese women's consciousness has gone through the process from paying attention to the family to the concern itself, from focusing on itself to the society, and by repeated inward and outward awakening, which is clearly reflected in the women's magazine. The fourth part discusses how women's magazine is opposed to male rights autocracy and strives for equality between men and women. In the fifth part, the fifth part introduces the discussion of the women's magazine, including women's education, the public issues of men and women, the problem of women's economic independence and women's political participation, and so on. However, as the gap between the slogan and the action is great, although the intellectuals and the upper women are strongly advocating, the actual effect is not so popular, the female rights have not been realized in a real sense to a great extent. The sixth part is the introduction of the women's magazine and the Western Feminism, and the origin of women's consciousness - the Western women. How is sexism introduced to China by the women's magazine, and compares the similarities and differences between Chinese and western feminism. The seventh part mainly analyzes the reasons and manifestations of the awakening and wandering of modern women's consciousness, and the enlightenment to the women's Liberation Movement in today's society.
In modern China, because of the special national conditions, the national crisis overwhelmed everything to become the most important contradiction in the Chinese society. Women's Liberation and the awakening of women's consciousness have also become an appendage to the struggle for democracy and freedom. Therefore, the awakening of women's consciousness and the elite men in the society have a dry system. The discovery of women's value is originally accomplished by men. The awakening process of Chinese women's consciousness is the process of gradually separating from men and recognizing their own value.
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