本文选题:知识界 + 苏俄 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:“十月革命一声炮响,给我们送来了马克思列宁主义”,知识界开始了对中国道路的新探索。十月革命的意义不仅仅在于俄国建立了一种新的社会制度,更在于它使中国向它投去了惊异、好奇的目光。激发了中国人尤其是中国知识界对它进行积极探索的兴趣。 在此之前,中国知识界在探索中国的前途时,更多的是去考量中国是该走德国式的道路还是走法国式的道路,或者去尝试其他类型的道路,但从没有考虑过要走俄国式道路。十月革命成功后,中国知识界似乎找到了另外一条可供参考的途径。因此,知识界对于中国的前途更适合走那条路做了激烈的争论与探讨。 对苏俄式道路的探讨,使知识界有了更进一步了解苏俄的必要。于是知识界通过发表译著或关于旅俄的见闻等文章向国内大量地介绍了苏俄的政治、教育等情况。随着对苏俄认识的深化,国内知识界对苏俄政府的态度在整体上有了较大的转变。如果说在十月革命刚成功时,很多知识界人士认为苏俄只是一群过激派推翻原来政府后建立的国家的话,那么经过深入了解,知识界的大多数都认为苏俄政府是真正代表着劳苦工农利益的。 对苏联的好评,在苏联对华的两次宣言发表后显著增加。因为苏俄能够放弃在华利益以试图获得中国的承认,这表明苏俄与以前的沙皇政府有着本质的区别。对于苏俄此举,中国政府虽然持怀疑态度,但知识界认为是“为全人类图幸福的空前壮举”,并要求政府能够否认以前的沙皇政府,承认当前的苏俄政府,并表示愿意与苏俄人民一道反抗国际压迫。这在一定程度上对中国政府的决策产生了影响。中俄两国政府最终建交。 随着对苏俄认识的深入,知识界内部出现了两大派别“联俄派”和“仇俄派”。伴随着两国关系的进展,两派就苏联是敌是友的问题展开了激烈的争论。每一次争论实质上都会促进知识界对苏俄社会更深层次的了解。从十月革命爆发到中东路事件之间,是知识界对苏俄社会的认识逐步加深的过程。
[Abstract]:The October Revolution sent us Marxism-Leninism, and the intellectuals began a new exploration of China's road. The significance of the October Revolution lies not only in the establishment of a new social system in Russia, but also in the astonishment and curiosity of China. It has aroused the interest of the Chinese people, especially the Chinese intellectuals, to actively explore it. Before that, Chinese intellectuals were exploring the future of China, thinking more about whether China should follow a German-style or a French-style path, or try another type of road, but never consider a Russian-style road. After the October Revolution, Chinese intellectuals seem to have found another way to refer. Therefore, the intellectual circles for China's future is more suitable for the road to do heated debate and discussion. The exploration of Soviet-Russian-style road makes it necessary for the intellectual circles to further understand Soviet Russia. So the intellectuals introduced Soviet politics, education and so on to the country by publishing translated books or articles about travel to Russia. With the deepening of understanding of Soviet Russia, the attitude of domestic intellectuals to the Russian government has changed greatly. If it is said that at the beginning of the October Revolution, many intellectuals thought that Russia was just a country founded after the overthrow of the original government by a group of radical factions, then through in-depth understanding, The vast majority of intellectuals believe that the Soviet government really represents the interests of workers and peasants. The praise of the Soviet Union increased significantly after the two declarations of the Soviet Union against China. The fact that Russia was able to give up its interests in China in an attempt to gain recognition shows that Russia is fundamentally different from the former tsarist government. Although the Chinese government is sceptical about the Soviet Russia's move, the intellectual community regards it as an "unprecedented feat of seeking happiness for all mankind" and demands that the government be able to deny the former tsarist government and recognize the current Soviet Russian government. And expressed willingness to work with the Russian people against international oppression. To some extent, this has had an impact on the Chinese government's decision-making. The Chinese and Russian governments finally established diplomatic relations. With the deepening of understanding of Soviet Russia, there are two major factions in the intelligentsia, "United Russia" and "Russia-enmity". With the progress of relations between the two countries, there was a heated debate between the two sides about whether the Soviet Union was an enemy or a friend. Each argument actually promotes a deeper understanding of Russian society in the intellectual world. From the October Revolution to the Middle East incident, the knowledge of Soviet society gradually deepened.
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