发布时间:2018-06-03 16:17
本文选题:社会改造 + 实 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于清政府长期实行“闭关锁国”的政策,做着“天朝上国”的迷梦,使中国社会被封建、迷信、愚昧的阴影笼罩着。而与此同时,英国率先完成了工业革命,资本主义世界随之崛起。为了拓展市场,利用坚船利炮打开了中国久久封闭的大门。中国被迫卷入了世界近代化的大潮。当然,这个过程是痛苦的。落后的农业文明在先进的工业文明面前打了败仗。 英国、法国、美国、德国、日本、意大利等欧美国家的入侵,使中国的民族危机空前严重。变中国为殖民地,使中国人沦为奴隶,是帝国主义列强的终极梦想。帝国主义与中国的封建势力勾结在一起,共同压迫中国人民。于是,反帝,争取民族独立;反封,争取国内民主,便成为中国人的中心任务。救亡、图存,成为那个时代的主题。 中国人在苦苦探求着救国救民的道路。十月革命后,马列主义传入中国,随之爆发了具有划时代意义的五四运动。在五四大潮的洗礼下,一大批知识分子开始了新的探索。 张申府,就是其中具有重要影响力的一员。他是五四运动的主将,与陈独秀、李大钊共同引导着新文化运动的方向。他认为:若改造中国社会,不但要通过革命变革旧制度,而且更为重要的,还要变革人的思想。他更加重视人的思想变革,宣传实与理性,宣传民主科学。这也是他发起“新启蒙运动”的主旨。可以说,申府先生的社会改造思想是一个“把变革制度与变革思想相结合”的理论。若要变革制度,首先要变革人的思想。 他的思想在不同阶段表现出不同的特点,但是都以“实”、“理性”、“科学法”为中心,他认为革命的目的在于改善人的生活,满足人“生之欲望”;变革人的思想目的在于“遂生、大生、美生”,,达到圆满的人生境界。通过在经济、政治、文化、人生等领域的改造,达到全人类的民主、平等,达到全世界的大同。 申府先生建国前的社会改造思想,处处闪耀着哲学的光辉,充满了理性、科学与求实的色彩。其中防止贫富差距、两极分化的经济民主思想;公开透明、全民参与的政治民主思想;以马克思列宁主义为指导,融汇中西的文化创新思想;综合平衡发展的社会和谐思想;讲科学、做实事、重实践的做人原则等等,在构建和谐社会的今天仍具有重要的理论和现实意义。 当然了,任何人的思想都受历史、个人经历、性格等因素的影响。特定的生活环境,造就了申府先生独特的人生轨迹。他出身于官僚知识分子之家,由于家庭环境的影响,形成了清高、宁折不弯、桀骜不驯的性格。而性格决定命运,所以走出了一条与毛泽东、周恩来等革命家、政治家截然不同的人生道路。申府先生先后学习了数学与哲学,这种文理兼修的学习背景,使其极易吸收西方罗素以数理逻辑、解析为特点的分析哲学。同时他把马克思列宁主义、中国古代的儒学思想和西方罗素的分析哲学相结合,创造了“解析的辩证唯物主义”,开拓了中国哲学研究的新境界。并以此为基础提出了辩证综合的文化观,遵循了毛泽东提出的“古为今用、洋为中用,取其精华、弃其糟粕”的原则。正因如此,他成为了中国的罗素专家和二十世纪中国著名的哲学家,于异中见同,融通了中西马,为中国新文化的构建开辟了新路。 穿梭于政治、学术间,是申府先生前半生的特色。生命中的跌宕起伏,说明学术研究领域更适于申府先生,而灵活性很强的政治是不适合他的。 特定的时代造就了特殊的人。申府先生用自己独特的人生轨迹诠释着当时那段历史。 本文从申府先生社会改造思想形成的历史背景和理论渊源入手,采用了历史分析的方法对其发展阶段及相关特点进行了纵向梳理;对其社会改造思想的内涵从立国精神、政治观、经济观、文化观、人生观等方面对其进行了横向剖析。同时探讨了实现对人的思想的改造和实现上述一系列改造方案的途径。最后运用马列主义的观点对申府先生建国前的社会改造思想进行了评价。文中多处把申府先生的观点与毛泽东的观点进行了比较,显现出了二者的异同点,并对其主要观点进行了辩证分析。 研究建国前申府先生的社会改造思想,在我的心中有一种崇高的责任感与使命感,希望为当今中国社会提供一种有益的借鉴。本文的目的也便在于此了。
[Abstract]:Thanks to the government ' s long - term policy of " closing the door " , the Chinese society was held captive by feudalism , superstition and ignorance . At the same time , Britain was the first to complete the industrial revolution , and the capitalist world was rising . In order to expand the market , China was forced to become involved in the world ' s modernization boom . Of course , the process was painful . The backward agricultural civilization was defeated in front of the advanced industrial civilization .
The invasion of Britain , France , the United States , Germany , Japan , Italy and other European countries has made China ' s national crisis more and more serious . It has transformed China into slavery and is the ultimate dream of the imperialist powers .
Anti - seal , striving for domestic democracy , becomes the central task of the Chinese people . It is the theme of that era .
After the October Revolution , Marxism - Leninism was introduced into China , followed by the four movements of epoch - making significance . A large number of intellectuals began a new exploration under the baptismal ceremony of May 4th .
Zhang Shenfu is one of the most influential members of the Communist Party of China . He is the chief of the May 4th Movement and guided the direction of the New Culture Movement together with Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao .
He thought that the purpose of the revolution was to improve the life of man and satisfy the " desire of life " ;
The purpose of the change is to achieve the goal of life . Through the transformation in the fields of economy , politics , culture , life and so on , we can achieve the democracy and equality of all mankind , and achieve the same as the whole world .
Mr . Shenfu ' s thoughts of social reform before the founding of the State , with the light of philosophy , full of rational , scientific and realistic colors , in which the gap between rich and poor and the polarization of economic democracy are prevented ;
Publicly transparent and popular political democratic ideas ;
Taking Marxism - Leninism as the guide , integrating the cultural innovation thought of Chinese and Western ;
The social harmony thought of comprehensive balanced development ;
It is still of great theoretical and practical significance today to construct a harmonious society .
It is of course that anyone ' s thoughts are influenced by the factors such as history , personal experience , character and so on . The special living environment creates a unique life track of Mr . Shenfu . He comes from the family of bureaucratic intellectuals , and has formed a new realm of philosophy research .
Shuttle to politics , academic , is the characteristic of Mr . Shenfu ' s first half - life . The ups and downs in life show that the academic research field is more suitable for Mr . Shenfu , while the politics of flexibility is not suitable for him .
The specific times have created special people . Mr . Shen uses his unique life track to explain the history of that time .
This paper starts with the historical background and the theoretical origin of the formation of Mr . Shen Fu ' s social reform thoughts , and adopts the historical analysis method to comb the development stage and relevant characteristics ;
At the same time , the author makes a comparative analysis of the ideas of Mr . Shen Fu ' s views with Mao Zedong ' s viewpoint , reveals the similarities and differences between them , and makes a dialectical analysis of their main viewpoints .
In my heart there is a noble sense of responsibility and mission , and hopes to provide a useful reference for the Chinese society today . The purpose of this paper is also here .
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