
发布时间:2018-06-04 21:57

  本文选题:民国时期 + 奉天省 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文着重论述了民国时期奉天省水利纠纷解决机制所依据的法律体系,所属的水权管理机构及该解决机制运行的特点。具体而言,主要从以下三部分进行论述: 第一部分题为“奉天省水利纠纷解决机制的构建(1912~1931)”,简要地介绍了两方面内容,其一为民国时期奉天省水利纠纷解决机制依据的法律体系,这里包括实体法、程序法、习惯法三大类。其二为处理水利纠纷解决机制的水权管理机构,这里包括行政机构和司法机构两大部分。 第二部分题为“奉天省水利纠纷解决机制的运行(1912~1931)”,主要是介绍水利纠纷两大类型行政争端与民事争端的解决过程及相对应的程序。民国时期的行政争端可以通过行政诉愿与再诉愿和行政诉讼两种方式解决。而民事争端则可以采取调解和诉讼两种方式。 第三部分题为“奉天省水利纠纷解决机制的特点(1912~1931)”,这一部分笔者着重通过案例分析阐述民国时期奉天省水利纠纷解决机制在逐渐体系化过程中所体现出的独特性,笔者经过研究总结出以下三方面的特点: 第一以调解为主导的多元水利纠纷解决机制。 第二与日领事交涉为核心的解决中朝农民之间的纠纷解决机制。 第三多样性与平行性相结合的水利纠纷解决机制。 众所周知,中国是个农业大国,离不开“水资源”的支撑,必然会出现一系列因“水资源”而引起的水利纠纷案件的出现,如何预防并且处理好这些水利纠纷案件,借鉴以往水利纠纷解决机制是值得我们深思的,尤其是在大力提倡建设和谐社会的今天,只有处理好社会一切矛盾点,社会才能向着平稳的方向发展繁荣。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the legal system on which the water dispute resolution mechanism of Fengtian province was based during the period of the Republic of China, the water right management organization attached to it and the characteristics of the operation of the solution mechanism. Specifically, it is mainly discussed in the following three parts: The first part is entitled "Construction of water dispute settlement mechanism in Fengtian province 1912 / 1931", which briefly introduces two aspects: the first is the legal system on which Fengtian water conservancy dispute settlement mechanism was based during the period of the Republic of China, which includes substantive law and procedural law. There are three categories of customary law. The second is the water right management organization which deals with water dispute settlement mechanism, which includes two parts: administrative organization and judicial institution. The second part is entitled "the operation of water conservancy dispute settlement mechanism in Fengtian province (1912 / 1931)", which mainly introduces the settlement process and corresponding procedure of two types of administrative disputes and civil disputes in water conservancy disputes. Administrative disputes during the Republic of China period can be resolved by administrative appeal, administrative appeal and administrative litigation. Civil disputes can be mediated and litigated. The third part is entitled "the characteristics of water dispute resolution mechanism in Fengtian province". This part focuses on the unique features of water dispute resolution mechanism in Fengtian province in the process of gradual systematization during the period of the Republic of China. The author summarizes the following three characteristics: First, the mediation as the leading multiple water dispute settlement mechanism. Second, Consul bargaining with Japan as the core of the settlement of disputes between Chinese and Korean farmers mechanism. The third diversity and parallelism combine the water conservancy dispute settlement mechanism. As we all know, China is a large agricultural country and cannot leave the support of "water resources." there will inevitably be a series of water conservancy disputes caused by "water resources." how to prevent and deal with these water conservancy disputes? Drawing lessons from the past water conservancy dispute resolution mechanism is worth our deep thinking, especially in strongly advocating the construction of a harmonious society today, only by properly handling all social contradictions, the society can develop and prosper in a stable direction.


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