本文选题:五大臣出洋 + 新政 ; 参考:《近代史研究》2014年02期
[Abstract]:At the end of the Qing Dynasty, 76 members of the delegation accompanied by the five ministers abroad were generally concerned about the current politics and studied specially, which was an important collective appearance of the New deal talents that the Qing government especially relied on before the imperial examination. This group has both old and new educational backgrounds, and those who have won fame do not reject the new education, and there are not a few who are not in the imperial examination, which shows the pattern that the new policy talents of the imperial examination before the abolition of the imperial examination present the new and old educational background together. It also shows that a considerable number of scholars tend to diversify their educational choices and ideologies before the abolition of the imperial examination. The above phenomenon is not only the product of the development of the new education, but also the influence of the New deal reform on the scholars and the sense of mission of the readers to join the WTO actively. Because the attendants are in the historical period of the transformation of the old and the new knowledge structure, there are many deficiencies in their academic ability, which can be seen in the plight of the qualified personnel in the constitutional reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 安阳师范学院历史与文博学院;
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