本文选题:民国时期 + 兰州水烟业 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:民国时期兰州水烟驰名中外,在兰州乃至整个甘肃省都有很高的经济价值和历史文化地位。甘肃省申报第二批国家级非物质文化遗产保护目录中,兰州水烟名列其中。它是金城独有的特色产品,它的制作流传过程,记录了金城经济文化的发展和变迁,浓缩了古城的文化情怀。 兰州在明末开始种植和加工水烟,已经有三百多年的历史,兰州水烟业初盛于光绪年间,在二十世纪三十年代是其鼎盛时期。但在二十世纪三十年代末四十年代中期,由于抗日战争爆发,受战事影响,兰州水烟业开始有所衰落,直到现在的濒临消失。以民国这一特定的历史时期研究兰州水烟业,首先,可以从这一兰州特产兴盛与衰落的经历探讨它对兰州地区经济发展所做出的贡献。其次,通过对兰州烟厂(坊)的研究,从个体到整体,可以对兰州市手工业的发展、组织形式、管理方式、工人生活等有一个初步的认识。最后,通过研究兰州水烟业一窥民国时期兰州市井百姓的生活。 本文将从七个部分研究民国时期兰州水烟业。第一部分主要研究的是兰州水烟悠久的历史,烟叶产区、面积、产量、配方、生产工艺和品级,水烟的功效及兰州水烟的品质内涵。第二部分研究的是1928年——1943年兰州水烟丝的产量和价格。第三部分研究的是水烟厂(坊)。第四部分主要研究的是民国时期兰州水烟的消费市场、运销路线及消费群体。第五部分研究的是兰州水烟在甘肃经济中的地位。主要从促进就业,促进对外贸易、增加税收、促进海内外文化交流等几个方面进行讨论。第六部分研究的是兰州水烟衰败的原因和兰州市榆中县青城古镇,并简单介绍解放后榆中县水烟业的发展。最后一部分是结语。 通过本文的叙述,梳理兰州水烟业的发展历程,希望能向民众进行兰州水烟的普及教育,使人们能够对兰州水烟有一定的了解。引起相关旅游部门的重视,探讨如何将这一濒临消失的兰州名片重新发展并重现当年的辉煌,将兰州水烟及水烟瓶作为特色旅游产品的推出,为兰州旅游业的发展添上浓墨重彩的一笔。
[Abstract]:During the period of the Republic of China, Lanzhou water smoke is famous both at home and abroad, and it has high economic value and historical and cultural status in Lanzhou and even the whole Gansu Province. Gansu Province declared the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection catalogue, Lanzhou water smoke among them. It is a unique product of Jincheng. Its production and circulation have recorded the development and changes of the economy and culture of Jincheng, and condensed the cultural feelings of the ancient city. Lanzhou began to plant and process water fumes in the late Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 300 years. Lanzhou water-smoke industry began to flourish during Guang Xu, in the 1930s is its heyday. However, in the late 1930s and mid 1940s, due to the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, Lanzhou's water smoke industry began to decline, until now it was on the verge of disappearing. In this particular historical period of the Republic of China, to study the Lanzhou water smoke industry, first of all, we can explore its contribution to the economic development of Lanzhou region from the experience of the rise and decline of Lanzhou specialty. Secondly, through the study of Lanzhou tobacco factory (workshop), from individual to whole, we can have a preliminary understanding of the development, organization form, management style and workers' life of handicraft industry in Lanzhou. Finally, through the study of Lanzhou water fume industry, the article will study Lanzhou water smoke industry in seven parts during the period of the Republic of China. The first part mainly studies the long history of Lanzhou water smoke, the area, yield, formula, production technology and grade, the efficacy of water smoke and the quality connotation of Lanzhou water smoke. The second part studies the output and price of Lanzhou water tobacco from 1928 to 1943. The third part of the study is the water smoke factory. The fourth part mainly studies the consumption market, distribution route and consumer group of Lanzhou water fume in the Republic of China. The fifth part studies the status of Lanzhou water smoke in Gansu economy. It mainly discusses from several aspects, such as promoting employment, promoting foreign trade, increasing tax revenue and promoting cultural exchange at home and abroad. The sixth part is about the reasons of the decline of Lanzhou water smoke and the ancient town of Qingcheng in Yuzhong County of Lanzhou City, and briefly introduces the development of water smoke industry in Yuzhong County after liberation. The last part is the conclusion. Through the narration of this article, combing the development course of Lanzhou water fume industry, hoping to carry on the popularizing education to the people, so that people can have a certain understanding of Lanzhou water smoke. It has aroused the attention of the relevant tourism departments, and discussed how to re-develop the business card of Lanzhou, which is on the verge of disappearing, and recreate the glory of the year, and introduce Lanzhou water smoke and water cigarette bottles as characteristic tourism products. For the development of tourism in Lanzhou add a strong color.
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