本文选题:侵华日军 + 南京攻略战 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:1937年中日战争全面爆发,日本海军作为水上和空中进攻的重要力量,协同日本陆军进行了南京攻略作战。以往,中国方面一般以南京保卫战的概念来论述此次战事,并且长期忽视了日本海军在这次战事中的作战活动及作用。对于这次战事的起始时间也尚有一定的争议。本文以1937年8月15日日本海军航空队渡洋轰炸南京为起点来论述日本海军在南京攻略战中的主要活动及作用。 日本海军在南京攻略战中出动的主要力量为海军航空队及第三舰队(后为支那方面舰队)所属的舰艇部队,还有少量的海军陆战队为辅。本文从侵华日军攻略南京的战略意图和部署出发,主要从日本海军航空队与水面舰艇部队两个方面对日本海军在南京攻略战中的行动进行论述。在日本海军航空队方面,以日军轰炸南京的事实为基础,通过一系列的档案材料对比,对日本海军航空队轰炸南京的性质进行了初步分析,同时对“帕奈号”事件进行了探析;在日本海军第11战队方面,主要以日本海军在江阴、镇江、江宁三个要塞区的先后作战过程为线索,对日本海军从长江水路进攻南京的活动进行了论述。此外也对随同日本海军第11战队作战的日本海军陆战队的活动进行了简要论述。 最后本文通过一系列的史料研究和比较论证,得出日本海军是侵华日军对南京实行“大迂回、大包围”的歼灭战战略、谋求实现通过歼火中国军队主力,从而迫使中国政府就范这一战略意图下的一支不可忽视的重要力量这一结论。
[Abstract]:The Sino Japanese war broke out in 1937. The Japanese Navy, as an important force in the water and air attacks, carried out a Nanjing strategy in coordination with the Japanese army. In the past, the Chinese side generally discussed the war with the concept of the defense war of Nanjing, and neglected the operations and role of the Japanese Navy in this war for a long time. At the beginning of the August 15, 1937 Japanese Navy aviation team in the bombing of Nanjing as a starting point, this paper discusses the main activities and functions of the Japanese Navy in the offensive of Nanjing.
The main force of the Japanese Navy in the Nanjing strategic offensive is the naval aviation and the three fleet (after the branch of the fleet), and a small number of Marines. This paper, from the strategic intention and deployment of the Japanese invading Japanese army, mainly from the two aspects of the Japanese naval aviation team and the surface warship force. In the Japanese Navy aviation team, the Japanese Navy aviation team, based on the fact that the Japanese army bombed Nanjing, made a preliminary analysis of the nature of the bombing of Nanjing by the Japanese Navy aviation team through a series of records and materials, and at the same time analyzed the event of the "Nanjing" and the Japanese Navy. The 11 war team, mainly taking the Japanese Navy in Jiangyin, Zhenjiang and Jiangning three fortress areas as a clue, the Japanese Navy from the Yangtze River water route to attack Nanjing, and also briefly discussed the activities of the Japanese Marines with the Japanese Navy's eleventh team.
In the end, through a series of historical research and comparative analysis, the Japanese Navy is a war strategy of "great roundabout and big encirclement" to Nanjing by Japanese invaders, seeking to realize the main force of the Chinese army through the annihilation of fire, thus forcing the Chinese government to find an important and important force under the strategic intention of the Chinese government.
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