本文选题:万荣 + 拼音扫盲 ; 参考:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 农村问题一直是中国革命和建设的根本性问题。对农民进行文化教育,是解决农村问题的重要的途径。建国后,土改、互助组、初级合作社、高级合作社、“大跃进”以及人民公社等一系列社会运动在农村的推行,都在考验着国家与农民间的关系。就国家而言,其政策措施能否获得农民的支持从而顺利推行关系到新生政权的巩固与发展,而农民所要考虑的则是如何在这些运动中获取到最大化的权益。这些都以农民具备一定的文化知识为前提,双方在继政治、经济之后,在“文化”上又一次达到了共鸣。因而,在建国之初的十余年里,一场“政府领导、依靠群众组织”的扫盲运动在全国各地迅速展开,期间先后历经四次高潮。 1952年“祁建华速成识字法”的推广掀起了第一个高潮;1955年,山东省莒南县高家柳沟村扫盲的成功经验上报中央,在毛泽东主席的号召下,第二次扫盲运动开展;1958年,随着工农业生产大跃进,文教卫生事业“跃进”的步伐也是大大加快,是为第三次扫盲高潮;“大跃进”带来的一系列问题,促使党中央反思农村的扫盲工作,速度过快、质量不高、回生复盲现象十分严重,如何去巩固扫盲成果是最重要的问题,1958年《汉语拼音方案》公布,“注音识字法”成为最重要的法宝,而万荣县在这方面所创造的经验,经山西省委上报后,引起了中央的重视,并做出了《关于推广注音识字的指示》,从而掀起了第四次扫盲高潮。本文考察的对象即为万荣县“注音识字”运动。 本文正文共分五部分。 第一部分,探讨了万荣县开展“注音识字”运动的历史背景。“注音识字”运动是当时全国扫盲运动大背景下的地方性行为,同时更是万荣县广大工农干部群众的主观需要。 第二部分和第三部分,是对万荣县“注音识字”运动过程的叙述。第二部分为青谷村的扫盲实践,从选择缘由和扫盲实践两个方面来展开;第三部分为青谷扫盲经验的推广,包括万荣县范围和全国范围的推广。 第四部分,对万荣县扫盲运动开展的若干思考。通过广泛、充分的宣传动员,培养适于农村教学的师资力量,选择编写适用、规范的教材,采取集中与分散的扫盲形式,并且高度重视扫除妇女中的文盲,扫盲运动取得了巨大的成效。 第五部分,以群众运动的方式来开展扫盲的利弊分析。从政治、经济、教育、农村面貌等方面分析了扫盲所取得的成绩,但以运动的方式来开展,尽管能最大程度的动员群众参与,但又不可避免的存在一些弊端,出现了一些过火行为,只注重轰动一时的场面效应、片面强调速成而忽视扫盲的质量。 结语部分,在上述几章的基础上总结了万荣拼音扫盲运动成功原因,既有其内部因素,也与当时国家重视农村扫盲有着密不可分的关系。 本文在写作上,以历史唯物主义为指导,把历史考察与理论分析相结合,利用田野调查的方法,在基层收集档案、访谈当事人,以求对万荣县“注音识字”运动达到全面、科学的认识。
[Abstract]:The rural problem has always been the fundamental problem of the Chinese revolution and construction. Cultural education for farmers is an important way to solve the rural problems. After the founding of the people's Republic, a series of social movements such as soil reform, mutual aid group, junior co OP, senior cooperative, "great leap forward" and people's commune were carried out in the countryside, which tested the state and the peasants. As far as the country is concerned, whether the policy and measures can be supported by the peasants, thus promoting the consolidation and development of the new political power, is how the farmers have to consider how to maximize the rights and interests of the movement. In the first ten years of the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, a campaign of "government leadership, relying on mass organizations" has spread rapidly throughout the country, and during the period of four climaxes.
In 1952, the promotion of the "Qi Jianhua fast literacy law" promoted the first climax. In 1955, the successful experience of literacy in the village of Junan County, Shandong Province, was reported to the Central Committee. Under the call of President Mao Zedong, the second literacy campaign was carried out. In 1958, with the great leap forward in industrial and agricultural production, the pace of "leap forward" of cultural and educational undertakings was also great. It is to speed up the third high tide of literacy; a series of problems brought by the "great leap forward" have prompted the Party Central Committee to reflect on the work of literacy in the countryside, the speed is too fast, the quality is not high, the phenomenon of recovery is very serious. How to consolidate the literacy results is the most important problem. In 1958, the "Chinese phonetic alphabet" was published, and the "phonetic literacy method" is the most important. The experience created by Wanrong County in this respect, after being reported by the Shanxi Provincial Committee, has aroused the attention of the Central Committee, and has made the "instructions for the promotion of phonetic literacy", thus raising the fourth high tide of literacy. The object of this study is the "phonetic literacy" movement in Wanrong county.
The text of this article is divided into five parts.
The first part discusses the historical background of the "phonetic literacy" movement in Wanrong county. "Phonetic literacy" movement is the local behavior under the background of the national literacy movement at that time, but also the subjective needs of the masses of workers and peasants in Wanrong county.
The second part and the third part are the narration of the "phonetic literacy" movement process in Wanrong county. The second part is the practice of literacy in the village of Green Valley, from two aspects of the choice and the practice of literacy; the third part is the promotion of the literacy experience of the Green Valley, including the scope of Wanrong county and the extension of the whole country.
In the fourth part, some thoughts on the literacy movement in Wanrong county are carried out. Through extensive and full publicity and mobilization, the training of teachers suitable for rural teaching is trained, the suitable and standardized teaching materials are prepared, and the form of centralized and decentralized literacy is adopted, and the illiteracy among women is paid great attention to, and the campaign of literacy has achieved great achievements.
The fifth part is to carry out the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of literacy in the way of mass movement. From the aspects of politics, economy, education, and the face of the countryside, we have analyzed the achievements of literacy. However, in the way of sports, although they can mobilize the people to the greatest extent, there are some unavoidable disadvantages, and some excessive behavior has appeared and only pay attention to it. The sensational Scene Effect emphasizes one-sided emphasis on speed but neglects the quality of literacy.
The concluding part, based on the above chapters, summarizes the reasons for the success of the Wanrong Pinyin literacy campaign, which has its internal factors as well as the inseparable relationship with the country's attention to rural literacy at that time.
On the basis of historical materialism, this paper, guided by historical materialism, combines historical investigation and theoretical analysis, and uses the method of field investigation to collect files at the grass-roots level and interview the parties in order to achieve a comprehensive and scientific understanding of the "phonetic literacy" movement in Wanrong county.
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