发布时间:2018-06-27 16:01
本文选题:君主立宪 + 维新时期 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 立宪君主制,又称君主立宪制,实行君主立宪制的国家,君主是名义上的国家元首,执掌国家最高权力,实际上君主的权力受到宪法、议会等机关的限制。君主立宪是要用宪法限制君主权力,确立主权在民原则,人民是国家权力的最终来源。在封建制度下,君主的权力是无限的,而在君主立宪制下,君主权力是有限的。因此一个国家不可能封建君主制与君主立宪制并存,结束封建君主制是实行君主立宪制的必要前提。在国家政治体制选择的过程中,君主立宪制政体中君主的存在可以保持政治传统的延续,也可以凭借君主的威望和号召力加强全国人民的团结。因而在中国的清朝后期,君主立宪制政治方向的选择也成为一种主流目标。 本文在引言中详细介绍了君主立宪制政体的产生、根源以及其主要优势,进而为下面论述到的我国清末在寻求这一政体过程中出现的种种选择进行铺垫。文章第一部分开始论述在我国清末时期“君主立宪”这一思想的提出,其中包括维新时期君民共主思想的提出,“君民共主”是早期维新派思想家对西方以英国为代表的君主立宪国家之政治制度的形象概括。早期维新派不仅主张设立议院,实行君民共主的政治制度,而且提出了在中国设立议院的具体方案;同时还包括戊戌时期君主立宪思想的孕育,维新思想家们在戊戌期间的“救亡图存”和“君主立宪”的宣传,对当时处于蒙昧状态的民众起到了开民智的作用,是一次洗礼式的思想启蒙;接着就出现了20世纪君主立宪思潮的形成和发展,包括国外舆论和国内舆论对君主立宪政体的宣传,也包括清政府内部要求立宪的呼声。 本文在详细阐述了君主立宪思想从孕育到萌芽再到形成和发展的具体变化过程后,于第二部分和第三部分开始讨论清政府面对君主立宪思潮的压力而做出的方案选择,其中第二部分讲述方案设计之一的日本式二元君主立宪以及清政府君主立宪方案的实施;在第三部分开始阐述君主立宪方案设计之二的英国式议会制君主立宪,同时包括立宪派对清政府君主立宪行动的抗争。在最后一部分,本文详细谈到君主立宪的意义,包括对晚清社会的进步作用以及对当今社会的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Constitutional monarchy , also known as the monarchy , the monarchy of the monarchy , the monarch is nominally the state of the monarchy , the monarch is the supreme power of the state , the power of the monarch is limited . In the feudal system , the monarch ' s power is limited . In the feudal system , the monarch ' s power is limited . In the feudal system , the monarch ' s power is limited . In the feudal system , the monarch ' s power is limited . Therefore , in the later period of China ' s Qing Dynasty , the choice of the constitutional political direction of the monarchy has also become a mainstream goal .
In the introduction , this article introduces the emergence , the root cause and the main advantages of the constitutional government of the monarchy in detail . The first part of the article begins to discuss the idea of the monarchy in the late Qing Dynasty . The first part of the article begins to discuss the image of the political system of the monarchy in the late Qing Dynasty .
At the same time , it also includes the birth of the constitutional thought of the monarchies during the period of the last century , and the propaganda of the " salvation map " and the " monarch ' s constitution " during the time period of the reform of the new thinkers , which has played the role of the people ' s wisdom and enlightenment to the people in the state of ignorance at that time .
Then there appeared the formation and development of the monarchy in the 20th century , including the propaganda of foreign public opinion and domestic public opinion on the constitutional government of the monarchy , and the call for constitutional reform within the Qing government .
In the second part and the third part , we discuss the selection of the Qing government ' s choice of the government ' s pressure in the face of the monarch ' s constitutional thought . The second part is about the constitution of the Japanese binary monarchy and the implementation of the constitutional government of the Qing government .
In the last part , this paper discusses the significance of the monarchy , including the progress of the society in the late Qing Dynasty and the guiding significance to the society .
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1 李娜;晚清广西士人赵炳麟研究[D];广西师范大学;2012年