本文选题:宁波 + 近代 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the late Qing Dynasty, Ningbo newspaper industry began at the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the opening of Ningbo and the invasion of the powers. From the start of the foreign missionaries "Sino-foreign new newspaper", the modern newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo had a total of 95 years of history and issued more than 300 newspapers and periodicals. In the three aspects of the modernization of the mode of the camp and the modernization of the spread of thought, this paper outlines the development of the modernization of Ningbo and the law of change. This article is divided into six parts. The first part of the preface is a summary of the research status, research significance and research methods of the newspapers in Ningbo. The second part introduces the development of the modernization of the newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo. The situation, taking time as the axis, summarizes the history of Ningbo newspapers and periodicals in the three stages of the late 1845-19 century, from 1903 to 1918, from 1919 to 1949. The third part introduces the modern operation mode of modern newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo, mainly from the changes of the news publishers from the foreign missionaries to the local people in Ningbo, and the news values are restricted by missionaries to the local people. The change of independent statement, the renewal of press and publication technology and the diversity of the audience of the news are expounded in four aspects. The fourth part mainly analyzes the dissemination of the newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo and the thought of modernization. The press is not only an important way of promoting the spread of progressive thought through the opening of a column and the system of soliciting contributions to stimulate the readers' thinking and participation. The fifth part, the fifth part, analyzes the problems and reasons of the modern newspapers and periodicals industry in Ningbo. Although the modern newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo are far less than Shanghai, Wuhan and other places in the Chinese news history, the short life of the publication and the slow development have become its main problems. This article from the development of the press industry in Shanghai and the development of the press industry in Shanghai By comparison, the reasons for the backwardness of the Ningbo newspapers and periodicals are mainly due to the influence of Shanghai. The Ningbo newspapers and periodicals are more ordered by the Shanghai, and the political activity rate of Ningbo is low. It is not easy for the two cities in coastal provinces to form a newspaper system; the development of the national bourgeoisie in Ningbo is slow and lack of thick capital support. These reasons cause the wrong newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo. The development of the golden period after the reform of the reform movement of 1898, the Ningbo newspapers and periodicals industry after the 54 Movement entered the climax of newspaper running. The sixth part concluded the overall evaluation of the newspapers and periodicals in Ningbo. The modern newspapers and periodicals industry in Ningbo had great characteristics in the development environment. Ningbo was the earliest city to open the port, which was greatly influenced by the development of Shanghai, and Jiang Jieshi's old home was also in Ningbo. In the newspaper group, there are many outstanding newspapers, such as Wu Yi saucer and so on. In the development context, the longitudinal three stages are clearly divided, and they occupy a place in the history of the news. In the newspaper management, the newspaper has formed the enterprise newspaper, and some newspapers carry out the special special columns of welfare and charity. This article passes to Ningbo The combing of modern newspapers and periodicals shows the modernization of Ningbo's newspapers and periodicals.
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