本文选题:清末民初 + 山西清徐 ; 参考:《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年04期
[Abstract]:Family separation is a very common historical phenomenon in civil society, and the important legal evidence of separation is family separation, so the study of family separation can directly reflect the history of separation. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Wang's family separation in Qingxu County, Shanxi Province, was typical. The main reasons for the separation were two main reasons, one was to solve the contradictions within the family, the other was to promote the future generation to survive and develop independently. The principle of dividing the family of Xuwang family in Qing Dynasty was to share and support each other according to the principle of equal distribution of the various families, and its specific procedure was to operate under the auspices of the patriarch. The separation of family and production has both positive and negative social effects: although it effectively maintains the normal life and development of the family, it also leads to the social differentiation among families, the decentralization of the land, the expansion of the middle and poor peasant stratum, and so on.
【作者单位】: 山西大学历史文化学院;
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