[Abstract]:China has been an agricultural country since ancient times. As the lifeblood of agriculture, water conservancy construction plays an important role in promoting social and economic development. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, in order to promote economic development and the modernization of our country, the Party and the government formulated a series of policies to promote the development of water conservancy construction in China. The people of Hexi, Gansu Province, responded positively to the call of the Party and the government and devoted themselves to the large-scale irrigation and water conservancy construction with a high degree of enthusiasm. From 1949 to 1965, the water conservancy construction in Hexi area of Gansu Province made unprecedented achievements and attracted the attention of the world. Hexi area of Gansu Province includes Shiyang River Basin, Heihe River Basin and Shule River Basin. Water conservancy construction involves the process of water control in these three basins. This paper reviews the achievements of water conservancy construction in Hexi region of Gansu Province under the leadership of the Party and the government after the founding of New China, especially the reasons for these achievements, and makes a comprehensive assessment of the water conservancy in Hexi region of Gansu Province during this period. This paper tries to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for solving the new situation and new problems in the construction of farmland and water conservancy. This paper mainly focuses on farmland and water conservancy construction in Hexi region of Gansu Province from 1949 to 1965, and makes use of as much detail as possible to investigate the situation of farmland water conservancy construction during the research period. This paper attempts to make a more comprehensive and profound understanding and grasp of the water conservancy problems and the social problems which are the core of the research period under the background of interdisciplinary research. Specifically, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is mainly divided into four parts: the first chapter is the background of the development of water conservancy construction in Hexi, Gansu Province from 1949 to 1965. It explains the necessity of water conservancy construction in Hexi from the natural condition and the shortage of water conservancy facilities before the founding of the people's Republic of China. Chapter two mainly discusses the general situation and achievements of water conservancy construction in Hexi region of Gansu Province during the 17 years from 1949 to 1965. This paper discusses the reasons for the achievements of water conservancy construction in Hexi region of Gansu Province from six aspects. Chapter four evaluates the water conservancy construction in Hexi area of Gansu Province and summarizes the experience and lessons.
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