
发布时间:2018-07-29 06:02
【摘要】:自国门被打开后,随着清王朝的式微和崩溃,中华民族“向何处去”成了先进知识分子思考中国问题的重心。与此相伴随的是,当国人睁眼看世界、尤其是戊戌变法失败后大规模走出国门的时候,无论是是改良派的康有为、梁启超,还是革命派的孙中山等人,他们看到了西方发达国家也并不是原先所想象的那样完美,即欧美发达国家的资本主义体系已是百病丛出、病魔缠身,尤其是资本和劳动的对立使得工人运动此起彼伏,社会革命似指日可待。从世界潮流发展的大趋势下,中国先进知识分子在思考自己民族命运和前途的时候,大都选择了社会主义的前进方向,尽管对社会主义的理解并不一致。从此,社会主义成了国人的主导用语,以致在近代中国思想界的领军人物中,提倡或拥护社会主义的大有人在,公开反对社会主义的则很难找到。 本论文的名称表明,笔者所着力探讨的,是民主革命时期中国为什么选择了社会主义发展方向这一“老话题”。对此,无论是中共党史研究、中国革命史研究抑或中国近现代思想史的研究中,学者们都已取得了非常丰富的研究成果,有的甚至可以说已是汗牛充栋。本文以《东方杂志》为研究对象,着力探讨二十世纪上半叶即民主革命时期,围绕在《东方杂志》周围的知识分子群体对社会主义有关文本的译介和解读以及对苏联社会主义建设实践的认知,等等。首先,创刊于1904年终刊于1948年的《东方杂志》,从时间阶段上看,恰好经历了课题所选择的时间阶段,这为研究提供了翔实的材料:其次,时至今日,学界对《东方杂志》丰富的思想资源尤其是关涉社会主义思想方面的材料发掘与文本解读,与其当时显赫的社会影响相较,尚属薄弱,仍是一块有待从整体上进行开垦的处女地;最后,围绕在《东方杂志》周围的那些一直保持着自己独特的立场和思想文化品格的知识分子,对社会主义及苏联社会主义实践同样有着自己的认知和解读。所以,这笔丰富的文化资源遗产值得我们好好发掘和珍惜。因而,全面把握和理解社会主义在中国传入、传播、发展、演变的历史进程以及中国知识分子接受社会主义的思想轨迹,《东方杂志》是绕不开的。 探求中国社会发展和民族自身解放之路,是围绕在《东方杂志》周围的知识分子的出发点和内驱力。因此,中国必须要走社会主义道路,这是《东方杂志》上的主导声音,也是那个时代的共识。但对中国要什么样的社会主义以及如何建设社会主义的理解上并不完全一致,这尤体现在不同学者在《东方杂志》上所展开的学理讨论和争鸣。这一点恰恰凸显了社会主义思潮在中国近现代思想史上的重要性。因而,学者们在《东方杂志》上对不同流派社会主义的介绍和评析,自然是本论文关注的重点之一,它构成了论文上篇部分即理论部分——关于社会主义的流派与理论;不唯此,学者们在《东方杂志》上对国统区民生主义两大纲领——平均地权和节制资本——实践和学理的评析、对十月革命后苏俄所陆续改行经济政策的一波三折的原因及其成效尤其是对苏联社会主义计划经济模式利与弊的不同解读和争论,更是我们今天要好好珍惜的一份宝贵的思想资源。可以说,它对于理解邓小平所开创的中国特色社会主义道路提供了历史主义的理解,对继续坚定不移地走好这条道路提供了丰富的思想文化资源支撑。这是论文下篇所要探讨的主要内容——对社会主义实践的反思。全文由六章构成: 第一章介绍《东方杂志》上有关学者对马克思学派社会主义学说的基本理论诸如唯物史观、剩余价值学说、阶级斗争学说、无产阶级专政学说以及对资本主义发展趋势的把握等的解读。对这些问题进行系统梳理和评析,为我们提供了马克思主义在中国传播的另一番图景。如此,才有可能全景式的把握马克思主义在中国传播的过程。不唯此,对此进行系统梳理和评析,也便于从历史过程中汲取经验教训,更好地为时下中国社会主义现代化建设提供理论保证。 第二章通过梳理学者们在《东方杂志》上对基尔特社会主义的有关译介的文本,介绍了他们对基尔特社会主义的评析,进而素描了他们了对发生在中国的“社会主义讨论”的见解。基尔特社会主义是在20世纪20年代左右开始传入中国的,并在五四新文化运动期间引起了较大的反响。虽然基尔特社会主义在中国社会主义思想史上只是昙花一现,很快就让位于科学社会主义,但是学者们对基尔特社会主义的基本原理诸如自治理论、职能原理的介绍和评析,对国民的启蒙意义是不能抹杀的,它暗合了当时民主共和的理论诉求。即使在今天,它对中国特色社会主义政治体制改革也会提供某些理论借鉴。 第三章围绕着中国无政府主义者对社会主义的译介及界说而展开,重点探讨了无政府主义集大成者师复对孙中山民生主义的诘难以及《东方杂志》上有关对无政府主义的阐释。无政府主义是20世纪初与改良派的社会主义、革命派的社会主义三足鼎立的中国社会主义流派之一。如果说改良派的社会主义是不要社会革命的社会主义、革命派的社会主义是避免社会革命的社会主义,那么,中国早期的无政府主义者在一些资产阶级政治家还迷恋资产阶级共和国方案,反动军阀企图利用代议制来装扮门面的时候,却提出了反对剥削制度、反对生产资料私有制、彻底否定资本主义制度等等,这在中国社会主义思想史上就具有重要的意义。可以说,在马克思主义大规模传入以前,他们是社会主义甚至科学社会主义在中国的领军人物。这突出表现在以师复为代表的无政府主义者对孙中山民生主义所展开的诘难,此为中国社会主义思想史上首发的关于社会主义的严谨的学理讨论。 第四章详细考察了《东方杂志》上有关对孙中山民生主义两大纲领即平均地权和节制资本的解读,以及对南京国民政府施政方针的评析。民生主义当然不是科学社会主义,并糅杂“主观社会主义”因素。孙中山是一位坚决反对在中国实行科学社会主义的中国早期社会主义宣传家和启蒙者。在孙中山心目中的天平上,资本主义一边的砝码远远重于社会主义一边,他侧重于对资本主义的救弊,而不屑于对社会主义的构建。作为一个务实的革命家,他把社会主义多作为一种技术工具,而不是侧重从学理上进行研究。因而,他不可能如同马克思那样从生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动上来推导社会主义,也没有从资本私人占有和生产社会化的这一资本主义的基本矛盾上来观察资本主义的历史命运。因而,也就不可能在他的思想中存在一个生产资料完全归社会占有的单一的所有制模式,而只是希望用公有来矫正私有的某些弊端而已。从这个意义上讲,有限公有基础上的增量公有是孙中山社会主义思想的核心,但它不会越过一个范围。换言之,孙中山的社会主义思想,是在特定历史条件下,作为思想家的理想主义与革命家的务实主义相结合的一个产物,是社会主义的价值诉求性与中国社会实际相结合而产生的一种中国式的社会主义思想流派。但是,孙中山民生主义的国利民思想即财富必须归全体社会成员所有而不能由少数人去吞占的主旨,仍给今天的我们以启迪,尽管不可能按照他的具体方案去做。 第五章和第六章分别探讨了《东方杂志》有关对十月革命、战时共产主义、新经济政策以及围绕着苏联所实施的五年计划而引发的关于计划经济的讨论。前一章着重考察了《东方杂志》有关对苏俄从“十月革命”到改行新经济政策这段历史的认知,重点探讨了对列宁新经济政策实施原因、内容、实质的解读以及对我国的影响。首先,论文指出,对十月革命之社会主义性质的把握上,以《东方杂志》为冠。其次,重点探讨了学者们对列宁的社会主义观的理解和把握,这主要表现在他们始终把新经济政策诠释在列宁所界定的“迂回过渡”的范畴之内,从而提出了新经济政策只是“手段之手段”的观点。后一章则主要是梳理了《东方杂志》上有关对一战后资本主义经济发展趋势的素描,重点探讨对苏联社会主义计划经济的研讨,并简要介绍了《东方杂志》上有关学者对哈耶克《通往奴役之路》一书所持观点的评价。 诚如毛泽东所言,今天的中国是历史的中国的一个发展。所以,本文虽是着重探讨民主革命时期社会主义在中国的图景,但对理解时下中国何以走上独特的社会主义建设之路和继续走好这条道路,尤有启发意义。因为,当经典社会主义的某些观念,譬如计划经济、单一公有制等开始退出历史后台时,才开始具有了相对完整的研究对象和独立的学术研究价值。从这个意义上说,它们才刚刚出现在理论研究的前台而成为显学。从理论来源上看,邓小平开创的中国特色社会主义是二十世纪中国政治思想发展的逻辑结果,其中孙中山的民生主义、毛泽东的新民主主义都为其提供了思想来源;乃至列宁的新经济政策,也可以看作是邓小平开创的中国特色社会主义理论的“原点”。因而,《东方杂志》上有关对列宁新经济政策、孙中山民生主义的解读,对理解中国特色社会主义就有巨大的理论借鉴意义。从实践上看,三十余年来的中国市场取向改革,最终确立了社会主义市场经济体制的目标,这不仅是对传统社会主义建设模式的根本转换,在可预见的将来,恐怕也是对经典社会主义做出的最大的发展,而这又是以批判社会主义计划经济模式为起点的。对此,《东方杂志》上有关对苏联五年计划以及社会主义计划经济利弊得失的讨论,同样也是一笔丰富的思想资源和精神财富,值得我们好好发掘和珍惜。比如,他们看到了社会主义有集中力量办大事的优点,从而认可了苏联计划经济模式对迅速增强国家实力所发挥的巨大作用,这是适应了抗战救国的时代诉求;但他们并不赞成单一的计划经济模式而是提出了“计划的自由主义”的设想。换言之,建立一种公有制为主体、包括私营和外资经济在内的多种经济成分并存的经济体制或者说是侧重于国家宏观调控的市场经济更是东方学人所追求的理想社会经济模式。这也表明邓小平确立的经济体制改革方向在中国有着深厚的国情历史土壤。当然,他们对中国发展方向的这种预测决不能与邓小平相比,因为后者观察和分析中国国情所用的是马克思的科学世界观和方法论。 因此,对《东方杂志》上所涉及的有关社会主义的文本进行深入发掘和批判研究,在笔者看来,正是我们今天所更要好好继承的一笔丰富的思想文化资源遗产,因为思想的发展和超越是以反思、批判和借鉴前人思想为前提条件的。因而,通过对《东方杂志》曾发表过的有关社会主义和左翼文献的发掘,探索社会主义在近代中国的传播及对社会主义实践——主要指苏联的社会主义计划经济模式——的反思,就具有重大的学术价值和实际意义。 本论文以文本梳理为重点,兼采用比较研究法。这是因为,一是对《东方杂志》有关社会主义思想的文本的发掘和梳理,还是一个有待填补的空白;二是论文所要探讨的问题,大都是“老话重提”。所以,论文主要是把东方学人置于当时的历史背景下,与同时期的早期马克思主义者、东方学人不同的个体之间关于同一对象或争议的焦点的不同解读,做比较研究,以探求其中的同中之异和异中之同,找出产生不同见解的原因以及对于今天的借鉴意义,等等。再次就是具体问题具体分析,只有把问题放在当时的历史大背景下,就事论事,、既不苛求前人,也不宜以现在的认识来武断地否定前人。但这并不简单排斥以现在对社会主义的认识高度,来评析《东方杂志》上的有关社会主义思想。
[Abstract]:After the opening of the national gate, with the decline and collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese nation "where to go" has become the center of gravity for the advanced intellectuals to think about China, and the accompanying is that when the people of the country open their eyes to the world, especially when the reform movement of 1898 fails, it is the reformist Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, or leather. Sun Zhongshan and others of the destiny school have seen that the western developed countries are not as perfect as originally imagined. That is, the capitalist system of developed countries in Europe and the United States has been a disease of all kinds. Under the situation, most Chinese advanced intellectuals, when thinking about their own destiny and future, mostly chose the direction of socialism, although the understanding of socialism is not consistent. From then on, socialism became the dominant language of the Chinese people, so that among the leaders of the modern Chinese ideological circles, the great people who advocated or supported socialism. In the case of public opposition to socialism it is difficult to find it.
The name of this paper shows that the author's focus is on why China chose the "old topic" of the direction of socialist development during the period of democratic revolution. In this article, this article, taking the Orient magazine as the research object, focuses on the translation and interpretation of the relevant socialist texts around the eastern magazine in the first half of the twentieth Century, the period of the democratic revolution, and the understanding of the socialist construction practice of the Soviet Union, and so on. First, it was created in 1904. From the time stage, the 1948 year-end magazine, orient magazine, just experienced the time stage chosen by the subject, which provided full and accurate materials for the study. Secondly, to this day, the academic circles to the "Orient magazine >" rich ideological resources, especially the material exploration and text interpretation of the socialist ideology, are so prominent at the time. The social influence is relatively weak, and it is still a virgin land to be reclaimed as a whole; finally, the intellectuals who have maintained their own unique position and ideological and cultural character around the Orient magazine have their own cognition and interpretation of socialism and the socialist practice of the Soviet Union. The rich heritage of cultural resources is worth exploring and cherishing. Therefore, it is impossible for us to grasp and understand the historical process of socialism in China, the historical process of spread, development, evolution and the ideological path of Chinese intellectuals to accept socialism.
It is the starting point and internal drive of the intellectuals around the Orient magazine. Therefore, China must take the socialist road, which is the dominant voice in the Orient magazine and the consensus of the times. But what kind of socialism and how to build society for China? The understanding of the doctrine is not entirely consistent, which is especially reflected in the academic discussion and contention between the different scholars in the Orient magazine. This highlights the importance of the socialist trend of thought in the history of modern Chinese thought. Therefore, the scholars' introduction and analysis of different schools of socialism in the Orient magazine are naturally the original. One of the key points of concern in this paper, which constitutes the first part of the thesis, the theoretical part of socialism, is a part of the school and theory of socialism. Not only this, the scholars' comments on the two major programs of the people's livelihood doctrine in the Orient Magazine - the practice and the theoretical analysis of the nationalism of the nationalism of the Kuomintang - the reform of Soviet Russia after the October revolution The reasons for the twists and turns of the economic policy and its effectiveness, especially the different interpretation and debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet socialist planned economic model, are a valuable ideological resource we should cherish today. It can be said that it provides a historical understanding of the understanding of the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics created by Deng Xiaoping. It provides a rich support for ideological and cultural resources for the continued unswerving of this road. This is the main content to be discussed at the end of the paper - the reflection on the practice of socialism. The full text is composed of six chapters:
The first chapter introduces the interpretation of the basic theories of the Marx school's theory of socialism, such as the historical materialism, the theory of surplus value, the theory of class struggle, the theory of proletariat dictatorship, and the grasp of the trend of the development of capitalism, which provide us with Mark. In this way, it is possible to grasp the process of spreading Marx's doctrine in China in a panoramic view. This is not only the way to systematically comb and comment on it, but also to draw lessons from the historical process, and to provide a better theoretical guarantee for the modernization of China's socialist modernization.
The second chapter introduces their comments on Kilt socialism by combing the relevant translation texts of kirt socialism in the Orient magazine, and then sketches their views on the "socialist discussion" in China, which began in China around 1920s. There was a great repercussion during the 54 new cultural movement. Although kirt socialism was just a flash in the pan in the history of Chinese socialist ideology, it was quickly placed in scientific socialism, but scholars introduced and evaluated the basic principles of kirt socialism, such as the theory of autonomy, the principle of function, and the Enlightenment to the people. It can not be obliterated. It coincides with the theoretical appeal of the Democratic Republic at that time. Even today, it will provide some theoretical reference for the reform of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics.
The third chapter focuses on the Chinese Anarchist's translation and definition of socialism. It focuses on the interrogation of the anarchist master to Sun Zhongshan's livelihood doctrine and the interpretation of anarchism in the Orient magazine. Anarchism is the socialist and revolutionary society of the reformists in the early twentieth Century. If it is said that the reformist socialism is not the socialist revolution, the revolutionary socialism is the socialism to avoid the social revolution, then the early anarchists in China are also infatuated with the bourgeois Republican scheme and the reactionary army in some bourgeois statesmen. When the valve tried to use the representative system to disguise the facade, it put forward the anti exploitation system, the opposition to the private ownership of the production data, the complete negation of the capitalist system and so on. It was of great significance in the history of Chinese socialist ideology. It can be said that before the large-scale introduction of Marx doctrine, they were socialist even the scientific social owners. The leading figures of righteousness in China are highlighted by the interrogation of the anarchists, represented by the teacher's rehabilitation, on Sun Zhongshan's livelihood doctrine, which is a rigorous academic discussion on socialism which is the first start in the history of Chinese socialist ideology.
The fourth chapter examines in detail the interpretation of the two programs of Sun Zhongshan's livelihood doctrine, namely, the average land rights and the controlled capital, and the analysis of the policy of the government of the Nanjing national government. The people's livelihood is certainly not a scientific socialism, and a mixture of "subjective socialism". Sun Zhongshan is a resolute objection to the reality of China The early socialist propagandists and initiator of the scientific socialism in China. In the balance of Sun Zhongshan's mind, the weight of the capitalist side is far more than the socialist side. He focuses on the pros and cons of capitalism and disdains the construction of socialism. As a pragmatic revolutionist, he takes socialism as a lot. Therefore, he can not derive socialism from the contradictory movement of productive forces and production relations like Marx, nor does he observe the historical fate of capitalism from the basic contradiction of capitalist private possession and production of socialized capitalism. It is impossible to exist in his thought a single mode of ownership that the production data is completely owned by the society, but only to correct some of the drawbacks of private ownership by public ownership. In this sense, the incremental public ownership based on the limited public is the core of Sun Zhongshan's socialist thought, but it will not cross a scope. Sun Zhongshan's socialist thought is a product of the combination of idealist idealism and pragmatism of the revolutionist under specific historical conditions. It is a Chinese style of social ideology which is produced by the combination of the value appeal of socialism and the reality of Chinese society. However, the country of the people's livelihood of Sun Zhongshan is the country of the people's livelihood. The idea of wealth, that wealth must be owned by all members of the society and not to be absorbed by a small number of people, still enlightens us today, although it is impossible to do it according to his specific scheme.
The fifth and sixth chapters discuss the discussion about the planned economy on the October revolution, the wartime communism, the new economic policy and the five year plan carried out by the Soviet Union. The first chapter focuses on the review of the calendar of the "Oriental Magazine" from "the October revolution" to the reform of the new economic policy. The cognition of history focuses on the reasons for the implementation of Lenin's new economic policy, the content, the interpretation of the essence and the influence on our country. First, the thesis points out that "the Oriental Magazine" is the crown for the socialist nature of the October revolution. Secondly, it focuses on the understanding and grasp of Lenin's view of socialism. This is the main manifestation. They have always interpreted the new economic policy within the category of "circuitous transition" defined by Lenin, thus putting forward the view that the new economic policy is only a means of means. The latter chapter mainly combs the sketch of the Orient magazine on the trend of the development of capitalist economy after the first World War, and focuses on the socialism of Soviet socialism. The study of the planned economy and a brief introduction to the views of the scholars in orient magazine on Hayek's view of the road to enslavement.
As Mao Zedong said, today's China is a historical development of China. Therefore, although this article focuses on the view of socialism in China during the period of democratic revolution, it is particularly enlightening to understand why China is going on a unique road to socialist construction and to continue to go on the road. Some ideas, such as planned economy and single public ownership, begin to have relatively complete research objects and independent academic research value when they begin to withdraw from the background of history. In this sense, they have just appeared on the front desk of theoretical research and become a prominent school. From the source of theory, Deng Xiaoping pioneered the social owners of Chinese characteristics. Meaning is the logical result of the development of Chinese political thought in twentieth Century, in which Sun Zhongshan's livelihood doctrine and Mao Zedong's new democracy provide the source of thought; and even Lenin's new economic policy can be regarded as the "origin" of Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The new economic policy and the interpretation of Sun Zhongshan's livelihood doctrine have great theoretical significance for understanding the socialism with Chinese characteristics. In practice, the reform of China's market orientation for more than thirty years has finally established the goal of the socialist market economic system. This is not only a fundamental transformation of the traditional socialist construction model, but also a fundamental transformation of the traditional socialist construction model. The foreseeable future is probably the greatest development of classical socialism, which is based on criticizing the socialist planned economy mode.


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