
发布时间:2018-08-03 16:32
【摘要】:一、《盛京时报》概况 《盛京时报》的创刊者中岛真雄在日本满洲部队总参谋长儿玉源和奉天总领事荻原守一的支持下,于1906年10月18日奉天(今沈阳)创办了日本在中国的一份中文报纸。作为日本侵华的言论机关,它以隐秘的方式辅助日本武装侵华。但对于当时较为闭塞的东北来说,《盛京时报》也给国人的头脑注入某些新鲜养分。而1931年九一八事变成为《盛京时报》发展史上的一个重要转折点。并于1945年日本战败投降后随即停刊,结束了其三十九年的办报历程。 二、对灾荒救济的报道 以《盛京时报》为媒介把目光聚焦在东北这块土地上,便不难发现1906—1931年的东北地区几乎每年都遭受不同程度的灾荒。而且灾荒种类颇多,有水灾、旱灾、瘟疫、火灾、雹灾、风灾和蝗灾等。但以水灾、旱灾和疫灾这三种灾荒为主,因为它们爆发次数多、波及地区广、持续时间长、影响程度重。而这期间具有代表性灾荒救济的报道要归为——1930年水灾救济、1926年旱灾救济、1911年疫灾救济、1911年火灾救济。 三、灾荒救济报道的特点 《盛京时报》消息来源主要以报道、评论为主。这两种方式对灾荒救济进行报道时又各显现出了它们的优势及特点。从《盛京时报》对灾荒救济消息报道的特点来看,则可分为报道内容的特点及报道形式的特点。而从灾荒救济评论的特点来看,则可将其评论放眼为广度及深度的层次。四、《盛京时报》在灾荒救济中的作用 《盛京时报》作为东北最具影响力的大众传媒工具,在报道灾荒救济方面发挥了其强大的舆论力量,对减轻灾荒损失、打击赈灾不法行为、完备救灾机制方面都起到了积极的作用。但是不容忽视的是,以日本政府为后盾的《盛京时报》在新闻报道时,必然会多多少少的带有政治性色彩。而这也就决定了它在灾荒救济报道中必然带有的消极作用。
[Abstract]:First, the general situation of the "Shengjing Times," the founder of the "Shengjing Times," with the support of Japan's Chief of General staff of Manchuria, Yu-yuyuan, and Consul General of Fengtian, Shinichi, Fengtian (now Shenyang) founded a Chinese newspaper in China on October 18, 1906. As a speech organ of Japanese aggression against China, it assisted Japanese armed aggression against China in a secret way. But for the then more closed northeast, Shengjing Times also injected some fresh nutrients into the minds of Chinese people. The September 18 th incident in 1931 became an important turning point in the history of the Shengjing Times. It stopped publication immediately after Japan's defeat and surrender in 1945, ending its 39-year history of running newspapers. Second, the report of famine relief takes Shengjing Times as a medium to focus on the land of Northeast China, and it is not difficult to find that the Northeast region suffered almost every year from 1906-1931 to different degrees of famine. There are many kinds of disasters, such as flood, drought, plague, fire, hail, wind and locusts. But the three kinds of famine are flood, drought and epidemic, because of their large number of outbreaks, extensive areas, long duration and heavy impact. During this period, the representative relief of famine is classified as flood relief in 1930, drought relief in 1926, epidemic disaster relief in 1911 and fire relief in 1911. Third, the characteristics of famine relief reports are mainly reports and comments. These two methods have shown their advantages and characteristics when they report on the relief of famine. Judging from the characteristics of the report on the relief news of famine in Shengjing Times, it can be divided into the characteristics of the contents of the report and the characteristics of the form of the report. Judging from the characteristics of the critique of famine relief, it can be viewed as the level of breadth and depth. Fourthly, the role of the "Shengjing Times" in the relief of famine, as the most influential mass media tool in the Northeast, has exerted its powerful public opinion in reporting on the relief of famine and has played a great role in alleviating the losses of the famine. Cracking down on illegal acts of disaster relief and perfecting disaster relief mechanisms have all played an active role. But it can not be ignored that the Shengjing Times, backed by the Japanese government, is bound to be more or less political in its news coverage. And this also decided that it must have the negative effect in the famine relief report.


相关期刊论文 前8条

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1 张敏;《盛京时报》与清末宪政(1906——1911)[D];苏州大学;2003年

2 葛凤;《大公报》与近代灾荒救济[D];山东师范大学;2007年

3 蔡虹;《申报》与晚清灾荒救济[D];山东师范大学;2007年

4 王璐;《盛京时报》研究[D];东北师范大学;2008年




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