[Abstract]:The missionaries came to China at the end of the Qing Dynasty, adhering to the missionary ideas of the Jesuits at the end of the Ming Dynasty, took science as the medium and carrier of religious dissemination, hoping to eliminate the rejection of the Chinese people, realize the Christianization of this ancient country, and realize the ideal of "making the glory of God shine all over the world". It is a pity that there is a relative lack of research in this field.
The study of the "scientific supplementary religion" of missionaries'newspapers and periodicals is helpful to identify the nature of missionaries' newspapers and periodicals more scientifically, and then to clarify their position and role in the process of "western learning spreading eastward". If we understand the nature of missionary newspapers and periodicals from this angle, we can understand their influence on Chinese society and give them a proper evaluation.
On the other hand, the significance of this study lies in "learning from history", as a means of cross-cultural communication, the mode of communication used by the "science auxiliary" and its effect on today's cross-cultural communication activities still have some enlightenment, which is both a spur and a warning.
This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter one gives a general account of the relationship between science and religion, which is the basis of the following discussion. On the basis of the above understanding, this paper will discuss the realistic reasons why the missionaries in China chose the mode of "scientific assistant religion", thus revealing the historical and realistic background of "scientific assistant religion".
The second chapter will discuss the cultural essence and historical evolution of the "science-assisted religion". From the perspective of the "science-assisted religion", the dissemination of scientific content implies religious purposes, science is the form, and missionary is the essence. This paper summarizes the cultural essence of the missionary newspapers and periodicals and combs the characteristics of their different development stages.
The third chapter is about the cultural characteristics and the mode of transmission of the missionary newspapers and magazines "science assistant religion".
Chapter Four will discuss the important significance of cross-cultural communication of the missionary newspapers and periodicals.The activities of the missionary newspapers and periodicals have become an important branch of the eastward trend of Western learning and introduced scientific and technological knowledge to China. The cultural change has positive significance for the development of Chinese culture.
Xiong Yuezhi affirmed the leading role of missionaries in the history of communication between China and the West in his book The Eastern Spread of Western Learning and the Society of the Late Qing Dynasty. The "sponsors" of the missionary press are rarely described. This paper hopes to play a role in attracting more and more people to devote themselves to this topic through the study of the "science assistant religion" in the missionary press.
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