[Abstract]:Foreign business industry is the earliest modern industry in China, and the machinery industry of modern China started hard after the entry of foreign industry, and under the stimulation and demonstration of foreign industry. Industrialization as the core content of modernization, the entry of foreign industry and its expansion in China is more influential than the existence of foreign businessmen in other areas of Chinese economy. This article selects the late Qing Dynasty as the research scope, starts with the Qing government's attitude and policy towards foreign industry, and analyzes the way of foreign industry entering China. Based on the Hong Kong companies Ordinance of 1865, this paper analyzes the basis for the existence of foreign enterprises in China in the late Qing Dynasty. After that, it analyzes the evolution of foreign industrial enterprises in late Qing Dynasty and the characteristics of enterprises in different periods. After the foreign industry entered into China, the lack of funds directly affected the establishment and operation of enterprises. Therefore, the capital source and capital raising of enterprises is very important. There are many characteristics in the process of raising capital. In the late Qing Dynasty, the governance structure of foreign enterprises was relatively complete, which formed the governing structure of shareholders' meeting, board of directors and manager. Although this kind of governance structure also presents the early characteristic, but after all is the enterprise system innovation performance. On the profit of foreign industrial investment, the academic circles have long studied, but limited by the starting point and research angle, the last chapter of this paper points out its shortcomings, and puts forward some views. In the late Qing Dynasty, foreign industry entered and developed under the background of social transformation in modern China. As a "foreign invader", it was able to stabilize and expand in the complex social environment of the late Qing Dynasty, mainly thanks to the advanced productive forces and the huge driving force of the innovation of enterprise system embodied by the big machine industry.
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