[Abstract]:The thesis takes the new labor force of the 1920s and 1930s as the research object. The new labor force is mainly different from the traditional self-sufficient traditional laborer, namely the farmer, mainly includes the industrial worker, the human rickshaw man. Dock workers and other drillers and all kinds of staff. The study began in 1920, and finally in 1939, described the development of workers (new labor force), and defined the new and old labor force respectively. The text is divided into four parts. They are: the study on the living conditions of industrial workers, the study on the living conditions of drudgery workers such as rickshaw pullers and wharf workers, the study on the living conditions of the staff groups and the comparison of various workers' groups. In each part, the income of workers, food, clothing, accommodation, entertainment, education level were studied. The income of workers varies in different industries, regions, types of work, seasons and seasons. The living conditions of industrial workers are higher than those of drudgery workers, and the living conditions of employees are higher than those of industrial workers. The workers are in the middle, and the coolies are the worst. They can only maintain a basic life. Compared with the traditional peasants, there are great differences in income expenditure, food, clothing, housing and transportation, hobbies and entertainment, education and so on. The peasants' living standard and education level are inferior to those of the workers. By working in cities, workers improved their lives, subsidised their homes and enjoyed the fruits of modern civilization to some extent. In addition, comparing the life of workers at home and abroad, the results of comparison between different categories of workers are different compared with those of other countries of the same era.
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