[Abstract]:During the War of Resistance against Japan, the Bank of Shanxi-Cha-Ji Border region was the first anti-Japanese bank established by the Communist Party of China behind enemy lines. The issue of currency issue is an important aspect of the study of the Bank of Shanxi-Cha-Ji Border region. This article mainly takes the bank of Shanxi-Cha-Ji border region as the research object, through the file, the newspaper data and the predecessor research achievement collation, the summary, from the monetary history angle, has analyzed the Shanxi Cha-Ji border area bank side coin issue background, This paper discusses the issue of the border currency, the inflation problem of the issue of the border currency, the currency war in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, and the historical function of the border currency. The establishment, consolidation and development of the Bank of Shanxi-Cha-Ji Border region have laid a certain foundation for the new China's financial undertakings. The experience principle of bank issuing currency in Shanxi-Cha-Ji border area still has reference significance to the bank construction today.
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